Legal Website Design

Alexander & Catalano

In 2015 we redesigned this site.
See the NEW

The Project:

Alexander & Catalano's original site was in a static framework. Although the original design was sound, the focus for the site had changed. It was decided that the practice areas and their case results were the priority. We also needed to address the current mobile trends and create a mobile friendly environment.

The Solution:

We needed to revamp the site design to target practice areas and case results. The home page became a navigational page. Instead of using it to introduce the firm, we created interactive images, designed to stand out from the background with a 3d paper effect, to drive the audience to specific practice areas. To better develop a relationship with specific attorneys we created direct links to attorney bios that carry throughout the site. A sitemap was added to the footer so that any page within the site could be accessible no matter where the visitor was.

Responsive Website Design

Responsive website architecture is still fairly new, but that didn't stop us! We created a site that would redesign itself as the screen size reduced. This means that the user will always be able to interact with the site easily no matter what device they view the site on. When a potential client interacts with a Phone, tablet, standard desktop or widescreen monitor a responsive site remains easy to navigate without any of the friction that often leads to visitors leaving out of frustration.

You don't want to wait to get to your desk. When searching for the contact details for the best Personal Injury attorneys in your region, you don't always have time to get to your desktop. The responsive design at the Alexander and Catalano website ensure that one can quickly access the details you need when you visit the site from your phone or mobile enabled tablet.

Responsive Legal Website Upgrade

Search Engine Optimization

Just because the site is built doesn't mean we're done! The search landscape is competitive. Brands who appreciate the importance of growing and adapting to the changing interests and needs of their customers and potential clientele enjoy the value of our continued maintenance plans. Through intelligent monitoring and implementation of search strategies we can directly influence increases in targeted traffic and expose the needs and interests of your customer base.

SEO for Legal Firms