Lawyer Website Design

Alexander and Associates

Following a firm restructuring, Alexander and Associates partnered with ACS Web Design and SEO for a rebuild of their lawyer website design. In addition to a necessary rebranding, the new Alexander and Associates website needed to maintain all the advanced lead generation features of their previous legal web design, such as SEO content, lead chat integration, advanced phone call tracking and effective lead generation funnels. 

ACS delivered the results that our client was looking for, creating a custom lawyer website design that's made to achieve Alexander and Associates' goals. 

Lawyer Website Design with Rebranding

With the restructuring and renaming of our client's firm, their website redesign needed to reflect this new brand while maintaining elements of the previous brand to build upon 20+ years of brand and name recognition. 

ACS Web Design and SEO integrated a new logo with a brand consistent look and feel throughout the website. 

The messaging on the Alexander and Associates website was also informed by market research regarding what people are looking for in a personal injury lawyer. 

lawyer website design rebranding by acs web design and seo

Lawyer Website Design with Lead Chat Integration

People live busy lives, and distractions are especially prominent on the internet. With this in mind, convenient and immediate options for potentials to contact a business are essential for online lead generation growth. That's why ACS Web Design and SEO integrated a live lead chat system on the Alexander and Associates website. 

With live lead chat, people who may have a personal injury case can immediately get in touch with someone who can connect them with a personal injury lawyer, providing a competitive advantage in terms of responsiveness to client needs. 

Live lead chat is not only great for potential clients; it also provides an efficient way for businesses to generate qualified leads. With the live lead chat system integrated by ACS Web Design and SEO, service fees are only sent to Alexander and Associates when a qualified lead is captured. If the live chat conversation doesn't confirm that the potential has a case within Alexander and Associates' service region and practice areas and essential contact information isn't captured, then Alexander and Associates is not charged for the service. 

With our live lead chat systems, our clients only pay when lead information is captured, and that lead information is qualified to ensure that the potential is the right match for our clients' services. 

Live lead chat can be managed by experienced professionals who use an approved script, saving your organization time while properly qualifying leads. We also offer options for your staff to handle live chat if preferred. 

Live lead chat is an essential, effective element for online lead generation. Live lead chat provides the convenience that potentials are looking for, while saving time for businesses by qualifying the leads they receive. 

To add live lead chat to your website...

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lawyer website design lead chat integration for alexander and associates

Lawyer Website Design with Advanced Phone Call Tracking

With multiple office locations and a large service region, Alexander and Associates takes cases from a wide range of regions in New York State. To best understand where leads are coming from, ACS Web Design and SEO integrated advanced phone call tracking with regional phone numbers. This advanced phone call tracking empowers data driven insights to inform lead generation growth strategies. 

lawyer website design with advanced phone call tracking by acs web design and seo

Lawyer Website Design with SEO Migration

We've seen it happen too often with clients who worked with other web design companies before finding us: a company is excited to make their new website live to the world, but that excitement quickly turns to disappointment. That's because other website design companies fail to account for a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) migration. 

Here's how an SEO migration works, and why it's so important. When you create a new website design, Google and other search engines may see your new design as an entirely new website. That means that all of the positioning you've earned on search engines throughout the years is lost. That's significant because 89% of consumers use search engines to inform their purchasing decisions. So if your website used to show up when people searched for a "personal injury lawyer" in your region, then you upgrade your website design but don't account for an SEO migration, you may be surprised to see that your website is no longer able to be found on search engines when people are looking for what you offer. Without an SEO migration, all the promise of launching a new website design can quickly turn in to frustration with a sharp drop in new business. 

When you partner with ACS Web Design and SEO, your business can thrive after the launch of your upgraded website design. That's because we perform SEO migrations for every website we launch for our clients' with existing websites. Other website design firms often fail to account for an SEO migration, unknowingly causing irreversible damage to their clients' abilities to generate online leads. SEO migrations are standard at ACS Web Design and SEO, empowering our clients' growth for today and tomorrow. 

The Alexander and Associates website features an SEO migration, maintaining and improving upon their valuable positioning on search engines. 

Don't risk losing your online visibility and opportunities to generate leads by hiring a different web designer. Partner with ACS Web Design and SEO to set your new website design up for growth. 

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lawyer website design seo migration by acs web design and seo

Lawyer Website Design with Compliant Legal Copywriting

ACS copywriters have years of professional experience with creating content for heavily regulated industries, including attorneys and law firms. We create effective messaging that complies with attorney advertising regulations. 

Beyond regulation compliance and effective messaging for generating leads, our copywriters also create content that uses SEO best practices. This empowers our clients to be among their potentials' first choices when potentials need our clients' legal services.

For compliant copywriting that converts potentials in to leads for your business...

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lawyer website design with legal copywriting by acs web design and seo

Lawyer Website Design Made for Lead Generation

The ACS team of SEO specialists, usability experts and marketing professionals collaboratively used our special set of skills to optimize the Alexander and Associates website for generating leads. In addition to integrating advanced phone call tracking and a live lead chat system, our team leveraged our knowledge of online behavior to naturally lead potentials to a purchasing decision. 

ACS can create a custom website design that's tailored to achieve your goals. 

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lawyer website design made for lead generation by acs web design and seo

Lawyer Website Design with a Custom, Responsive Web Design

Over 60% of all activity that happens on the internet now comes from mobile devices, such as phones and tablets. Considering this, if your website isn't made with a responsive website design, you're at a competitive disadvantage.

Without a responsive website design, anyone who visits your website from their phone or tablet is likely to have a confusing and frustrating experience. Common problems on websites that are accessed on a phone or tablet that aren't made to look and work properly on these devices include unintentionally clicking and going to places the visitor didn't intend to or text or images appearing distorted. This confusing or frustrating experience can quickly drive otherwise interested potentials to take their business elsewhere. 

The Alexander and Associates website, like all website designs made by ACS, is built with a custom, responsive website design. This means that the site is made to look and work equally well on all devices, including laptop and desktop computers as well as mobile devices like phones and tablets. 

If your website isn't made with a responsive website design, you could be pushing potentials to take their business elsewhere. 

For a custom, responsive website design...

Contact Us for a Project Quote

lawyer website design with responsive website design by acs web design and seo

A Lawyer Website Design That Makes Website Updates Secure, Quick and Easy

Too often, other website design companies pigeonhole businesses in to systems that make website updates overly complicated or time intensive. There is a better way.

The Alexander and Associates website is powered by The ACS Edge Content Management System (CMS). The ACS Edge CMS makes it quick and easy for authorized site administrators to securely update their website. Our clients can add, edit or remove text, images or entire web pages all without having to know computer coding languages. With The ACS Edge CMS, gone are the days of sending update requests to your web developer only to wait weeks for you to be able to see the changes on your website. The ACS Edge CMS is designed to make it easy for authorized site administrators to make website updates, regardless of your organization's level of computer skills.

To upgrade your website and make your website update process secure, simple and efficient...

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lawyer website design secure and easy website updates made possible by acs web design and seo