Meta Keywords

What is a Meta Keyword in SEO? Are Meta Keywords still used in SEO?Unfortunately, it is not a great time to be meta keywords. SEO's are stripping them from sites all around the world. Simply put, meta keywords are lines of code that summarize what is viewed on a webpage. Although, majority of the world is looking down upon the non existent results of descriptive meta keywords. There are some positive uses still out there. Some of these positive uses are described and meta content type, title, meta description, and viewport. Meta content type is the tag that declares the character set for the specific page. The title tag is the unique name for each page that describes the information at hand. Meta description doesn't directly affect your sites ranking, but it makes or breaks a user from clicking your site. Lastly, viewport is strictly within the mobile universe. If this meta component is not being ran. There is a possibility of having a sub par mobile experience.