What is Pay-per-click (PPC)?

What is pay per click in seo? How much is a ppc ad? how to rank using ppc in google adwords?

PPC stands for pay per click, I technique in digital marketing where analysts pay a fee for when their ad is clicked. Rather than utilizing SEO tactics to rank a site organically. This is the "easy" way out to rank higher on search pages, thus leading to more site visits. PPC works by an analyst bidding on ad placement in the SERPs sponsored links for when someone searches on a targeted keyword related to their business.

For example, if we were to bid on the keyword term "Web Design Agency", our ad would possibly appear in the top spot of the Google SERP. Therefore, every time our ad is clicked, we would have to pay the search engine a fee. When dealing with pay per click, you must understand. The possible sale within the visit ($3000), is worth more than the minimal fee you pay per click ($3).

E.g. “I love the PPC model—I only pay when someone clicks on my ad!”