School Website Design


An effective school website design must invite and inspire prospective students, while also complying with compliance regulations for educational institutions and accredited schools.

Knowing this, National Tractor Trailer School (NTTS) partnered with ACS Web Design and SEO for a website redesign. 

NTTS wanted to make their school website design cleaner and more impactful, with a more inviting look and feel. The new school website design for NTTS also aimed to humanize the school more by including more images of truck drivers and NTTS instructors. The redesigned NTTS website also required a more intuitive navigation, making it easier for prospective students to find information that matters most to them. 

The new NTTS school website design also aimed to grow enrollment by improving how content is presented on the website, as well as increasing the frequency and visibility of Calls-To-Action (CTAs). 

NTTS school website design project objectives also included the creation of a dedicated section of the website for prospective, new students. This part of the website needed to address things that were most important to a prospective student's decision, such as options for housing, financial aid and career prospects after graduation. 

The NTTS website also needed to improve the overall presentation of individual course information, aiming to make course information both more informative for prospective students, while excluding confusing or overly specific details.

ACS Web Design and SEO delivered a custom school website design for NTTS that achieved our client's project objectives. 


School Website Design That Complies With Educational Institution Regulations

school website design regulatory compliance from acs web design and seo

As an accredited truck driving school and an educational institution that receives federal financial aid, the new NTTS website content needed to be compliant. Accredited truck driving schools and schools that receive financial aid must adhere to certain messaging requirements. For example, the NTTS school website design could not suggest that graduates were guaranteed a career-related job upon graduating.

The ACS team of professional copywriters used their years of content writing experience for educational institutions and close collaboration with NTTS staff to ensure all website content was compliant with industry regulations.  

Beyond website copy that adheres to industry regulations, the NTTS school website design needed to include required compliance disclaimers and information for students. Educational institution regulations also dictated that these disclaimers and student information needed to be sufficiently prominent and easy to find on the website. ACS Web Design and SEO successfully integrated this required compliance information in a way that was accessible, yet presented in a way that was not intimidating. 

A School Website Design That Clearly Explains Financial Aid Options

school website design financial aid for ntts from acs web design and seoWith rising education costs, affordability is a top concern for prospective students. Knowing this, ACS Web Design and SEO provided a school website design for NTTS that makes financial aid options easy to understand.

The NTTS school website design makes financial aid options easy to learn about. This includes prominent placement of financial aid options, and an intuitive navigation. 

Financial aid options are presented in a way that reassures prospective students that an NTTS education is affordable. In addition to reassuring and informing prospective students, ACS presented this financial aid information in a regulation compliant manner. 


School Website Design With Detailed Information on Courses

school website design ntts courses from acs web design and seoThe previous NTTS website included a dedicated page on offered truck driving courses. However, the previous website presented this course information in a way that made it difficult for prospective students to determine which course was the best fit for their personal career goals. 

The school website redesign for NTTS features more informative content on offered courses. The new courses section of the NTTS school website design clearly differentiates offered courses, while removing overwhelming or confusing details. 

A School Website Design That Makes It Easy for Prospective Students to Schedule a Campus Visit

school website design ntts tour from acs web design and seo

Whether it's a trade school or university campus, it can be hard for prospective students to see themselves at a school until they see the campus in person. The school website design that ACS provided for NTTS makes it easy for prospective students to schedule a campus tour. 

The NTTS school website design features an integrated third party form that allows NTTS to capture contact information from students who would like to visit the NTTS campus. This empowers NTTS to initiate an important first step in turning prospective students in to enrolling students who have made a decision about their education. 

The NTTS school website design features prominent, strategically placed prompts for prospective students to schedule their campus tour. These prompts naturally lead prospective students to the decision to schedule a campus tour. ACS accomplished this by presenting information in a way that generates sufficient interest for prospective students to want to learn more by visiting an NTTS campus. 

Secure Online Student Application

school website design student application ntts from acs web design and seoThe previous NTTS school website design included a lengthy online student application. This lengthy application resulted in lost opportunities, as many prospective students were intimidated by the time and attention to detail required to complete the online student application. 

The NTTS school website redesign features a securely integrated third party online student application. This secure, integrated online student application simplifies the online application process for NTTS. As a result, the secure, online student application in the current NTTS website eliminates the intimidating length of the previous version. This helps the NTTS school website design in terms of increased effectiveness for generating new student applications. This makes the NTTS online student application an important part of growing enrollment. 


The ACS Web Design and SEO team of experienced web developers and web designers can create a secure online student application for your school website design. 

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School Website Design with an SEO Site Structure

The school website redesign for NTTS includes an improved SEO site structure. This SEO site structure includes:

  • keyword focused URLs,
  • keyword focused headings,
  • keyword focused ALT optimizations,
  • a site content hierarchy that is conducive to achieving high, valuable positions on search engines,
  • and more

This SEO site structure has empowered NTTS to achieve multiple #1 positions on Google for keywords that are most likely to be searched by their prospective students. 

Through keyword research, competitive analysis and an in depth understanding of our client's project objectives and audience, ACS built the NTTS school website design with an SEO site structure. The ACS Web Design and SEO team of SEO analysts, SEO copywriters, web developers and web designers worked cohesively to integrate an effective SEO site structure for the NTTS school website design. 

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school website design seo site structure ntts from acs web design and seo

A School Website Design With SEO Copywriting

The ACS Web Design and SEO team of experienced SEO copywriters created NTTS website content that's made to achieve 1st place and 1st page positions on search engines for relevant keywords. 

Our SEO copywriters implemented on page SEO copy edits. This included keyword focused headings and page content optimizations. 

For years, ACS SEO copywriters have helped our clients be among the first choices when their potentials are searching for the services or products that our clients offer. This SEO copywriting not only has caused our clients to dominate search engine results, but in turn has resulted in lead generation growth and new students for schools. 

Over 80% of all consumers use search engines to inform their purchasing decisions, according to an industry study. Our SEO copywriters can help make your organization among people's first choices when they're looking for what you offer. 

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school website design seo copywriting ntts from acs web design and seo

School Website Design with Target Audience Landing Pages

With women being underrepresented in the trucking industry, and military veterans having transferable skills for truck driving careers, both women and military veterans are audiences of interest for National Tractor Trailer School (NTTS). Knowing this, ACS Web Design and SEO improved upon the existing landing pages for these two defined target audiences. 

Both audience landing pages reflect their respective target audiences; the women in trucking audience landing pages shows female NTTS graduates, and the veterans audience landing page shows NTTS graduates who are military veterans.

The content on both of these target audience landing pages also speaks to the unique concerns of each audience. 

In addition to demographic target audience landing pages, the NTTS school website design also includes a dedicated landing page for new, prospective students. This new students page addresses common concerns for prospective students, naturally leading prospective students to contact NTTS admissions representatives. 

Does your school or organization have defined audiences of interest, or types of customers or students that you would like to have more of? ACS Web Design and SEO can effectively reach your target audiences. 

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school website design target audience landing pages ntts from acs web design and seo

School Website Design with an Easy to Maintain News or Blog Feature

NTTS needed their school website design to include a news section, as NTTS needed to be able to post about recent graduates, and to share upcoming seminars and information sessions. 

The NTTS school website redesign features a News section and a separate section for upcoming seminars and information sessions. The NTTS News section is able to be securely and efficiently updated with photos of recent NTTS graduates and text content by authorized site administrators. 

News posts can be added, edited or removed with no knowledge of computer coding languages necessary. Attractive News post images can be easily added with built in controls to help prevent display issues. 

Upcoming seminars and information session dates, times, locations and information are also simple and secure to add to the website. 

Does your school website design need an easy to update news or blog section? ACS Web Design and SEO can deliver the solution you're looking for.

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school website design news or blog ntts from acs web design and seo

School Website Design with FAQ Section

Choosing a trade school or university is among the biggest decisions of a person's life. Because of this, it's common for prospective students to have a lot of questions about a school. Understanding this, ACS Web Design and SEO created a user-friendly Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section of the NTTS website.

Working closely with NTTS admissions representatives and front desk staff, ACS Web Design and SEO developed Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) content based on the most common questions that NTTS receives from prospective students. ACS then created FAQ content that addresses prospective student concerns. These FAQ answers also naturally lead prospective students to contact admissions representatives or apply online. This makes the FAQ content that ACS developed for NTTS both helpful for prospective students, and conducive to growth in terms of student applications. 

An FAQ section can improve efficiency for admissions staff, reducing time spent on answering the same question for multiple prospective students. This also makes an FAQ section beneficial for enrollment growth, as it addresses prospective student concerns, leading to a confident school choice. 

Help answer your prospective student's common questions and grow enrollment with an FAQ section for your school website design. To learn how ACS Web Design and SEO can help make it happen...

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school website design faq ntts from acs web design and seo

School Website Design with Live Chat Integration

school website design live chat ntts from acs web design and seoBeing able to immediately react to potentials' questions or concerns in real time can make the difference between new leads and lost opportunities. Because of this, the NTTS school website design includes live chat integration. With live chat, NTTS staff can talk to prospective students who visit their website. This makes live chat an important part of an effective online lead generation growth strategy. 

While NTTS opted to have their live chat managed by their staff members, ACS live chat solutions include the option to have people who do not directly work for our clients' respond to potentials via live chat. With this live chat option, ACS can develop custom scripts that these live chat representatives adhere to. 

The purpose of a live chat is to get sufficient information to convert potentials to leads. This makes live chat a very valuable solution for growing qualified leads. 

Sites that have used this live chat system experience a 32% increase in leads, on average. To discover how live chat can work for you and grow enrollment or leads...

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A School Website Design Made with a Responsive Website Design

Over 60% of all web traffic today comes from mobile devices, such as phones or tablets. With most online activity now coming from these mobile devices, if your website isn't made to look and function properly on phones or tablets, you're at a competitive disadvantage. 

If someone arrives at your website on their phone, and your website isn't made to look and function just as well on a phone as it does a desktop or laptop, they will likely have a frustrating experience. When a website isn't made with a responsive website design and the site is accessed on a mobile device, the website may be difficult to interact with. When this happens,  people may click on parts of a website they didn't intend to, or text may be illegible.

In brief, if your website isn't made with a responsive website design, more people than not are likely to have a difficult time just interacting with and reading your website. This can quickly turn otherwise interested potentials in to lost opportunities, as people are quick to move on to a competitor's website that is easier to use on a phone or tablet. 

The NTTS school website design is made with a responsive website design. This means that the website looks and works equally well on all devices, including phones and tablets as well as desktops and laptops. 

All ACS website design projects are made with a responsive website design. To reduce missed opportunities with a responsive website design...

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school website design responsive website design for ntts from acs web design and seo

Website Updates Are Secure and Simple with The ACS Edge Content Management System (CMS)

Website updates should be quick, easy and secure. Somehow, between playing phone tag with developers, not-so-simple drag and drop website editors and confusing computer coding scripts, website updates have become a time intensive, difficult process for many. 

There is a better way. 

The NTTS school website design is powered by The ACS Edge Content Management System (CMS). The ACS Edge CMS allows authorized site administrators to efficiently and securely make website updates. NTTS site administrators can add, edit or remove text, images, videos or entire web pages. All of this can be done without needing any knowledge of computer coding languages. 

The ACS Edge CMS is made to make the website update process easy for almost anyone with authorized access, regardless of computer skill level. 

To make website updates secure and simple for your website...

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school website design easy website updates from acs web design and seo