Professional Website Design


NuFlorz is an industrial flooring company who partnered with ACS Web Design and SEO for a professional website design. The NuFlorz website needed a modernized look and feel, including a responsive website design. The NuFlorz professional website design project also aimed to grow NuFlorz business by creating dedicated service pages, improving the site's positioning on search engines when potentials search for the services that NuFlorz offers. 

While NuFlorz knew that they needed a responsive website design and more information on their services, NuFlorz wanted their new professional website design to maintain their existing brand identity. 

The new NuFlorz website design also needed to properly showcase NuFlorz expertise with a project photo gallery. NuFlorz also needed secure, efficient means for website updates. 

ACS Web Design and SEO delivered a professional website design that fulfills NuFlorz's project objectives, and is made for lead generation growth. 

A Professional Website Design That Maintains a Brand Identity

For years, NuFlorz has been a trusted, local industrial flooring provider. Because of this, NuFlorz needed their professional website design to serve as an online presence for their brand identity.  

ACS Web Design and SEO created an attractive, professional website design that adheres to NuFlorz brand standards. The NuFlorz website now uses a color scheme throughout that is cohesively branded with the NuFlorz logo.

Beyond maintaining the NuFlorz brand identity online with a consistent color scheme, the website includes trust signals that speak to NuFlorz's qualifications and expertise.

The NuFlorz website is also made with a responsive website design, ensuring the best possible first impression of the NuFlorz brand regardless of which device a potential chooses to access the website from.

professional website design brand identity for nuflorz by acs web design and seo

A Professional Website Design with Detailed Service Pages

professional website design nuflorz service pages by acs web design and seo

The previous version of the NuFlorz website consisted of a single service page that briefly described the services offered by NuFlorz. ACS Web Design and SEO delivered a professional website design with dedicated service pages for each of NuFlorz's specific offered services.

These dedicated service pages are beneficial for potential customers, as they are able to learn more about specific services to find the right service that's the best fit for their needs. These dedicated service pages also help NuFlorz to generate more online leads. By creating additional, keyword focused service pages, ACS Web Design and SEO has empowered NuFlorz to achieve high, valuable positions on search engines when people are searching for the services that NuFlorz offers. 

SEO Site Structure

As part of the creation of detailed service pages for NuFlorz, the professional website design for NuFlorz is made with an SEO site structure. Through industry research and analysis, ACS Web Design and SEO successfully implemented a site hierarchy that is conducive to achieving high, valuable positions on search engines.

The ACS Web Design and SEO team includes SEO specialists and digital marketing analysts who leverage their collective knowledge of Google's over 200 ranking factors to create sites that increase our client's online visibility and grow online leads. 

professional website design seo site structure for nuflorz by acs web design and seo

SEO Copywriting

The detailed service pages that ACS Web Design and SEO created for NuFlorz includes content that was created and optimized by our team's SEO copywriters. ACS Web Design and SEO copywriters used competitive analysis, keyword research and an understanding of our client's unique project objectives to create service page content that's both informative for potentials and properly optimized to achieve high, relevant positions on search engines. 

Our experienced SEO copywriters used their extensive knowledge of best practices for on page and off page SEO tactics. This website content aims to make it easy for people to find NuFlorz when they search online for the services that NuFlorz offers.  

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professional website design seo copywriting for nuflorz from acs web design and seo

Application Landing Pages That Are Made for Marketing

NuFlorz has known audiences for their services, including certain types of industries or organizations that need the services that NuFlorz offers. Knowing this, ACS Web Design and SEO created dedicated landing pages for specific applications and industries that NuFlorz serves. These application landing pages speak to the specific needs and priorities of defined audiences. 

These application landing pages were created with the knowledge that ACS Web Design and SEO has the capabilities to show ads to potential customers within NuFlorz's defined audiences and industries of interest. ACS Web Design and SEO has the ability to effectively role target decision makers who are part of NuFlorz's industry specific audiences. ACS can then connect ads that send potentials to the landing page that matches their industry needs. 

ACS Web Design and SEO can create a professional website design and internet marketing campaigns that effectively speaks to the needs of your target market.

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professional website design application pages for nuflorz from acs web design and seo

A Professional Website Design That Showcases Expertise with a Gallery

professional website design photo gallery for nuflorz by acs web design and seo

"Show, don't tell." What is an effective adage for writers also holds true for businesses. A business that provides proof of their expertise and capabilities is more likely to acquire customers than a business that simply states that their service is superior. This is why a gallery is important for a professional website design. A gallery shows visual proof of a company's ability to get the job done. 

Understanding this, ACS Web Design and SEO created a professional website design for NuFlorz that includes an attractive, intuitive project photo gallery. This project gallery showcases NuFlorz abilities and experience through photos of completed projects and work in progress. 

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Responsive Website Design

Over 70% of all Google searches now come from mobile devices, such as phones or tablets. Websites that are mobile friendly are also more likely to achieve 1st place and 1st page positions on Google when these searches from mobile devices are performed. Combine this with the fact that 60% of all online traffic already comes from mobile devices, it's clear that more often than not, if someone's looking for your business or the services you offer, they're likely doing so from their phone or tablet. If your company's website isn't made to look and function right on these mobile devices, you're at a competitive disadvantage -- and you could be losing otherwise interested potential customers or clients because of it. 

If someone goes to a website on a mobile device, and that website isn't made with a responsive website design, they'll likely have a frustrating and confusing experience. If someone visits your website and it isn't mobile-friendly, they could unintentionally click to parts of your website that aren't relevant to them. They could also have difficulties reading and interacting on your website. All of these common problems often lead to people quickly getting frustrated, and looking elsewhere for the products or services you offer. 

The NuFlorz website, like all ACS Web Design and SEO professional website design projects, is created with a responsive website design. This means that the site is made to look and function equally well on all devices, including phones and tablets as well as desktops and laptops. 

If your business doesn't have a responsive website design, you're more likely than not losing potentials who otherwise could have become customers or clients. 

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professional website design responsive web design for nuflorz from acs web design and seo

Secure, Efficient Website Updates Powered by The ACS Edge CMS

NuFlorz professional website design also needed to be secure and simple to update. ACS Web Design and SEO provided a solution that fulfilled this project objective. The NuFlorz website is powered by The ACS Edge Content Management System (CMS).

The ACS Edge CMS empowers authorized site administrators to securely and easily make website updates. Authorized site administrators can add, edit or remove text or photos on the NuFlorz website, all without needing to know any computer coding languages. 

Website updates should be secure, quick and simple. Too often, companies feel tied down to confusing, time consuming and frustrating means for editing their websites. There is a better way. To discover how The ACS Edge CMS can make your website update process secure, quick and simple...

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professional website design content management system for nuflorz by acs web design and seo