Audience Focused UX Design

Fiscal Fitness

The Project:

The original Fiscal Fitness site was built in a static framework and required third party technology installed on a visitor's computer to display and function properly. Of course we wanted to change that. It was determined that there were two equally important primary target audiences; small business owners and individuals. We also needed to account for current mobile trends and make sure the site was usable on a mobile device as well as a desktop computer.

The Solution:

We removed the reliance on external software so the site could function on its own. To address the two target audiences, we created a portal experience for the homepage. This allows the visitor to determine the focus of the site that best relates to their specific needs. The site architecture and display is consistent between the two but the content and navigation changes to support the goals of the visitor. And of course, as is our practice on all new site projects, we built the website completely responsive.

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Responsive Website Design

Visitors to your website often have different expectations and goals based on what device they are using when visiting your business' online presence. By taking into account these various expectations, our skilled Designers are capable of maximizing the effect your website by increasing engagement and limiting "click backs."

The responsive design for Fiscal Fitness takes into account changes in device size and maximizes the effect of viewable screen real estate by offering similar but subtly different versions of the navigation experience. The visitor is not limited by these changes. In fact, the level of choice actually increases, leading to a more fulfilling overall experience.

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