Boy Scouts of America - Non-Profit Organization

Longhouse Council

Boy Scouts of America's Longhouse Council needed a web design company to provide a professional website redesign for their local Boy Scout chapter website. Longhouse Council needed to make it easier for their defined audiences to find information that mattered most to them. The Longhouse Council website redesign also needed a Media Resources page for people to view videos and photos.

In addition, the Longhouse Council website redesign needed specific event calendars for each Boy Scout district, as well as separate calendars for training and Order of the Arrow events. 

The Longhouse Council website redesign also needed to make it easier for authorized site administrators to make website updates, such as adding calendar events and camping information. 

Longhouse Council partnered with ACS Web Design and SEO for their website redesign. The result is a website redesign that fulfills project objectives, and features a modern, responsive website design. 

Audience Based Navigation

web design company audience based navigation cnybs from acs web design and seo

There are many different types of people who visit the Longhouse Council website. Each of these different audiences have their own unique reasons for being interested in the Longhouse Council. 

Knowing this, ACS Web Design and SEO created an intuitive audience based navigation. This audience based navigation allows visitors to quickly and easily find the information that's most relevant to their interests. 

With an audience based navigation, the Longhouse Council website is more user friendly, and a more helpful resource for participating youth, their parents and organizational leaders. 

Does your organization have defined audiences who are interested in specific services or products? For a custom website design that speaks to the needs of your known audiences...

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Media Resources Gallery

web design company media gallery cnybs from acs web design and seo

When Longhouse Council was searching for a web design company for their website redesign, they needed a partner who could integrate a Media Resources page. The purpose of this Media Resources page was to provide a central location for potential and existing scouts, their parents and other interested parties to view related videos and images. 

ACS Web Design and SEO created a solution for Longhouse Council that fulfilled this project objective. The Media Resources section includes a dedicated Video gallery, as well as a dedicated Photo Gallery. This Media Resources section allows site administrators to efficiently add videos and photos from recent events and activities. 

Whether showcasing your organization's capabilities, or showing a more personal side of your company, a gallery section can improve your company website. 

For an easy to maintain, attractive gallery section for your website...

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Custom Event Calendars

When Longhouse Council was seeking a web design company for their website redesign, they needed a partner who could create interactive event calendars. Longhouse Council needed multiple event calendars -- an overall calendar, a calendar for specific district events, a calendar for training events and an Order of the Arrow calendar. 

ACS Web Design and SEO delivered the solution that Longhouse Council needed. The Longhouse Council website now features dedicated event calendars for each of Longhouse Council's defined audiences. This allows staff and the parents of local Boy Scouts to plan accordingly for the events that matter to them. 

Does your website design need event calendars? We can create the custom solution that you're looking for. 

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Responsive Website Design

People are increasingly choosing to go online through mobile devices, such as phones and tablets. Today, 60% of all online traffic now comes from mobile devices. If an organization's website isn't made to look and work right on all devices, this can cause frustration and confusion for a significant portion of potentials. 

If your website isn't made to look and function equally well on all devices, someone who goes to your website on a phone may have a much more confusing experience than someone who visits your site from a desktop or laptop. From unintentional clicking to legibility issues, an uninviting design and more, if your website isn't made to function equally well on all devices, many of your website's visitors may have a frustrating experience. This frustration and confusion often leads to lost opportunities for organizations of all kinds, as people are quick to look elsewhere until they find a site that is easier to use for their needs. 

Whether you're trying to collect donations on your website, or you're trying to acquire new customers or clients, if your website isn't made with a responsive website design, you're at a competitive disadvantage.

The Longhouse Council website, like all websites made by ACS Web Design and SEO, is designed with a responsive website design. This means that the website is made to look and function equally well on all devices, including phones and tablets as well as desktops and laptops.

Make the most of every opportunity and grow your online leads with a responsive website design.

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web design company responsive website design cnybs from acs web design and seo

Secure, Efficient Website Updates with The ACS Edge Content Management System (CMS)

Between events, camping, registration, organizational news and more, there's always something new going on with Longhouse Council. Because of this, Longhouse Council needed the ability to efficiently and securely make website updates. The website design solution that ACS Web Design and SEO provided empowers Longhouse Council to quickly and easily make website updates. 

Longhouse Council's website is powered by The ACS Edge Content Management System (CMS). With The ACS Edge CMS, Longhouse Council's authorized site administrators can securely and easily add, remove or edit website content. This includes adding, removing or editing text, photos or videos. All of this can be done without any knowledge of computer coding languages being necessary. The ACS Edge CMS is designed to be easy to use, while also providing essential security features for website updates. 

Website updates don't need to be a time consuming process. Website updates also don't have to be done through a game of phone tag with developers or designers. With The ACS Edge CMS, authorized site administrators can quickly and easily make website updates.

To simplify the process for your website updates...

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