Medical Office Website Design

CRA Medical Imaging

CRA Medical Imaging partnered with ACS Web Design and SEO for their previous medical website design. Since the initial ACS website design for CRA Medical Imaging, new federal regulations regarding ADA website design accessibility took effect. 

CRA Medical Imaging trusted ACS Web Design and SEO for a compliant, ADA website redesign, and ACS delivered.

Discover project details about CRA Medical Imaging's medical office website design below.

Medical Office Website Design with a Compliant ADA Website Design

medical office website design and ada website design image of accessibility key on keyboard with handicap logo to represent website accessibility

ACS Web Design and SEO is the go-to when an organization needs ADA website design. ADA website design accessibility regulations apply to all organizations that serve the public. Much like the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires storefronts and offices to have handicap accessible wheelchair ramps or elevators, the ADA has been amended  to apply to the online presence of organizations. An organization's online presence, such as their website or app, must also be equally accessible for individuals with disabilities as it is for individuals without disabilities.

To achieve ADA website design compliance, a website must be structured in a very specific way to satisfy regulation criteria. The ACS team of web designers, web developers, content specialists and usability experts are experienced in creating custom, compliant ADA website designs. ACS clients are also supplied with proof that our clients can provide to regulators as evidence of their due diligence for compliance. 

The CRA Medical Imaging medical office website design was made with an ADA website design. This means that the site is built to be equally accessible for individuals with disabilities as it is for individuals without disabilities. CRA Medical Imaging's website is built to accommodate assistive technologies, such as screen readers. 

If your website isn't made with an ADA website design, you're vulnerable to potentially costly lawsuits. The Central New York Business Journal has described website accessibility lawsuits as "arguably the fastest growing type of litigation in New York State."

To get on the right side of the law...

Contact Us for Custom ADA Website Design

Medical Office Website Design with Secure Third-Party Integration of Patient Portal and Online Bill Pay

medical office website design image of cra medical imaging logo and button links for patient portal and pay bill

As part of the Affordable Care Act's federal regulations that aimed to modernize electronic health records (EHR), medical practices are required to prove that at least 5% of their patients use the patient portal. Recognizing this, ACS Web Design and SEO successfully completed secure third party integration of CRA Medical Imaging's patient portal. How to access the patient portal is immediately obvious on the CRA Medical Imaging website. 

In addition, ACS securely integrated access to the online "Pay Bill" feature for CRA Medical Imaging. This makes it convenient for CRA Medical Imaging patients to securely pay their bill online.

When you need secure third-party integration on your website design, whether to satisfy patient portal regulations or for convenient access to other secure portals, ACS can deliver what you're looking for. 

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Medical Office Website Design with Physician Directory

Putting a face to a name is important for building trust for potentials. While this is true in all types of businesses, this is especially true when making such personal health decisions as choosing a doctor. Recognizing this, ACS Web Design and SEO created an intuitive physician directory. 

CRA Medical Imaging's physician directory includes physician photos, physician names and complete individual physician profiles so current and potential patients can learn more about a specific physician. 

Staff directories humanize an organization, making them an important part in converting potentials to leads. 

For a custom staff directory for your website...

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medical office website design image of physician directory including images of doctors physician names and view profile links

Medical Office Website Design with Office Locations Pages

With multiple locations, it's important that CRA Medical Imaging's medical office website design made it convenient for patients to find the nearest practice location. 

The CRA Medical Imaging website features a Locations page that shows both images and street addresses of each location, making it easy for patients to find the practice location they're looking for. The medical office website design also includes individual Locations pages that provide driving directions to the specific medical office, as well as the respective office's phone number, hours of operation, services provided and other information that's helpful for patients. 

If your business has multiple locations, ACS can create helpful locations pages for your website design.

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medical office website design image of medical office locations including addresses and link for direction

A Medical Office Website Design That Makes Important Information for Patients Easily Accessible

A medical office website design has the unique challenge of making important information for current patients conveniently accessible, while also creating an intuitive, informative experience for potential patients that convinces them that the medical practice is the right match for their healthcare needs.

ACS Web Design and SEO created a medical office website design for CRA Medical Imaging that accommodates the needs of both current and potential patients. New patient intake forms as well as important forms for current patients can be filled out online, making patient paperwork easy and efficient.

In addition to convenient patient forms, CRA Medical Imaging's medical office website design also makes it easy for potential patients to see what insurance plans are accepted. 


medical office website design image of smiling man on laptop

Medical Office Website Design Built with an SEO Site Structure

Over 80% of consumers use search engines to inform purchasing decisions. Whether searching for pizza or a radiologist, the evidence is clear that people go to Google and other search engines to find what they need. Coupled with the fact that over 90% of all clicks on search engine results go to 1st page results, if your site isn't optimized to achieve top positions on search engines when people are searching for what you're offering, another company will be seen and otherwise interested potentials will take their business there.

The CRA Medical Imaging site is built with a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) site structure. This means that the site is built to achieve top, relevant positions on search engines. 

The ACS team of SEO analysts, SEO copywriters and content specialists have a record of results in getting our clients to be among the first choices for potentials.

Learn More About SEO Services

medical office website design seo site structure image of white collar professional sitting in front of graphs and charts

Medical Office Website Design with SEO Migration

We've seen it all too often with businesses that choose other website design companies: you're excited about the launch of your new website, but that excitement soon turns to frustration and disappointment when your online leads drop significantly.

In many cases, when other website designers launch a new website for an existing website, they fail to account for a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) migration. Without an SEO migration, all of the relevant positioning on search engines that a site has earned over the years isn't properly accounted for, causing lost positions on search engines, decreased online visibility and ultimately a decrease in new business acquired online.

Successful SEO migrations are part of our standard process at ACS. Our team of SEO analysts, web designers and web developers work together to maintain and build upon our clients' earned positioning on search engines. 

To not only keep your online visibility but to build upon it, partner with ACS Web Design and SEO for a website redesign with a proper SEO migration. 

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medical office website design image of cra medical imaging in search results with site links displaying suggesting site is indexed properly by google

Medical Office Website Design with a Responsive Web Design

Over 60% of all online activity now happens on mobile devices, like phones and tablets. If your website doesn't accommodate for this reality, you're at a competitive disadvantage. Websites that aren't made for all devices can provide a frustrating first impression for otherwise interested potentials -- text may be illegible and people may click on things they didn't intend to, among other issues. This frustrating, confusing experience often pushes people to take their business elsewhere to a competitor whose website is easier to use. 

The CRA Medical Imaging website, like all ACS website designs, is made with a custom, responsive web design. This means that the site is designed to look and work equally well on all devices, including mobile devices like phones and tablets as well as laptops and desktops. 

To upgrade your website with a custom, responsive web design...

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medical office website design responsive web design view of cra medical imaging

Medical Office Website Design Powered by The ACS Edge Content Management System (CMS)

CRA Medical Imaging's website is powered by The ACS Edge Content Management System (CMS). The ACS Edge CMS is made for secure, efficient and easy website updates. Authorized site administrators can make website updates all without having to know computer coding languages. The ACS Edge CMS is developed with simplicity in mind, and makes website updates possible regardless if you're a computer wiz or if technology isn't your strongest skill set.

With The ACS Edge CMS, you don't have to play phone tag with developers just to make a simple update on your website. It's easy for authorized site administrators to add, edit or remove text, images or entire web pages from a site. 

Simplify the website update process for your website with ACS Web Design and SEO.

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medical office website design image of person at desk using content management system to make website edits