Manufacturing Website Design

McVac Manufacturing Company, Inc.

The Project:

McVac Manufacturing Company, Inc. is a Syracuse, NY based manufacturer of thin film coating instruments.  McVac Manufacturing Company's previous website was created and managed through WordPress, so the company was looking to upgrade to a more modern, secure and user-friendly Content Management System (CMS). In addition to wanting greater website security and enhanced editing abilities, McVac's new website needed a responsive design.

The Solution:

ACS Web Design & SEO delivered a responsive website design that features the updated look and cutting edge Content Management System (CMS) that McVac Manufacturing was looking for. McVac Manufacturing's new website includes an attractive aesthetic with easier to read typography and larger images to better showcase product details. The manufacturing website design is also optimized for lead generation, featuring strategically located Call-to-Action buttons and an intuitive site structure. McVac Manufacturing's new website is powered by the ACS Edge CMS, providing secure and easy to use means for McVac to create, edit and remove site content. With the ACS Edge CMS, McVac site administrators can edit, add and remove photos, videos, text and files to the website without having to know coding languages.

Responsive Website Designresponsive web design mcvac created by acs inc web design and seo

Today, when people go online, they're likely to be doing so on their phone or tablet. Over 60% of all web traffic comes from mobile devices. Similarly, 60% of all Google searches happen on mobile devices. 

A mobile-friendly website design for professional organizations is particularly important because your website is often a potential customer or client's first impression. A Stanford University study found that 75% of Internet users say they judge a company's credibility based on their website's design. With so many people now choosing to get online with smart phones or tablets, a professional responsive website design is more important now than ever before. If your company's website isn't made to look and work right on all devices, a sizable segment of your potentials could get quickly frustrated, leaving your site and bringing their business to your competitors.

The McVac Manufacturing Company, Inc. website was created with a responsive website design. The site is made to look and function flawlessly on all devices, making it easy for potential customers to find what they're looking for.

For a responsive website design solution for your business, request a quote.

A Secure, Intuitive Content Management System (CMS)

Not being able to easily and efficiently edit website content puts companies at a competitive disadvantage. If a company can't edit their website's content quickly, information can be outdated and things can get broken without an easy fix, causing customer confusion and lost leads. 

The McVac Manufacturing Company, Inc. website features The ACS Edge CMS, empowering site administrators to securely and efficiently add, edit and remove site content. From adding the latest product brochures, posting company news and events and updating important information, McVac Manufacturing can easily control what's on their website with just a few clicks. 

From keeping current, regulation compliant information on your site to custom features, the ACS Edge CMS can help streamline your website editing process. Contact us for custom CMS solutions.

content management system cms for manufacturing website design mcvac by acs inc web design and seo

site seo for manufacturing website design client mcvac by acs inc web design and seoSite Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Today, when people are looking to buy products or services, they usually start on search engines. 89% of people use search engines for purchase decisions, according to an industry study. Because of this, being someone's first choice when they search for the products or services your company offers often makes the difference between who customers and clients choose. 1/3rd of all clicks on search engine results go to the #1 search result, and over 90% of clicks on search engine results go to 1st page search results.

Knowing this, our team of SEO analysts used their specialized knowledge of Google's 200+ ranking factors to ensure McVac's website was launched with the appropriate SEO details integrated. Through thorough keyword research and analysis, ACS' SEO analysts provided the site structure and information architecture necessary for McVac to achieve high, valuable positioning on search engines for keywords that are most likely to be searched by potential customers. The new McVac Manufacturing website was also built with improved website code for improved SEO.  

A Solution That Satisfies


best manufacturing website designers review from mcvac for acs inc web design and seo

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