Law Firm Website Design

Moon Law Office

Moon Law Office, LLC is an established and experienced immigration attorney law firm based in Syracuse, NY. Moon Law Office partnered with ACS Web Design and SEO to make their law firm website design more user friendly. Specifically, the new law firm website design aimed to simplify and streamline the process for finding sought after information.

With changes in immigration law since Moon Law Office's previous website design, Moon Law Office also needed to update most of their website content. 

Moon Law Office's new law firm website design also needed to be created with a responsive website design, allowing the site to look and function equally well on all devices, such as phones, tablets and desktops or laptops. 

ACS Web Design and SEO delivered the results that Moon Law Office was looking for in their new law firm website design. 

Legal SEO Copywriting

Moon Law Office's previous website included outdated information on immigration law. As part of the new law firm website design build, Moon Law Office trusted ACS Web Design and SEO's experienced legal SEO copywriters to create new website content.

ACS Web Design and SEO's copywriters created website content that was not only accurate according to current immigration law, but was also optimized to achieve relevant, valuable positioning on search engines. This legal SEO copywriting empowered Moon Law Office's to be easily found by potential, new clients when they're looking for legal representation for specific immigration law concerns. 

Legal content can be complex. This is especially true for immigration law, with various types of visas, application requirements and extensive complications. ACS Web Design and SEO's copywriters conducted thorough research. The result is website content that is both informative for potential clients, effective in generating leads for new clients and successful at achieving valuable positions on search engines for relevant keywords. 

When your law firm website design needs content that is both consistent with current law and optimized to achieve valuable positions on search engines, you need ACS Web Design and SEO. Our legal SEO copywriters are experienced in creating legal website content for a variety of different practice areas. 

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User Friendly, Audience Based Navigation

law firm website design audience navigation moon law by acs web design and seo

Moon Law Office's previous website lacked an intuitive navigation, making it confusing for potential clients to find the information that's relevant for their immigration law concerns.

To make it easy for potential clients to find information that matters to them, the new Moon Law Office law firm website design features an audience based navigation. The new website features dedicated sections for work and employment based immigration law, a section on immigration legal concerns for families and relatives, a section on immigration legal concerns that relate to citizenship and a section for problems that people may face during the immigration process. This simplified navigation allows website visitors to self-identify. This makes it quick and easy for potential clients to find information that relates to their individual immigration law concerns. 

Immigration law can be complex, with interrelated legal concerns that have their own set of regulations. The new Moon Law Office website makes it easy for potential clients to find legal information that's relevant for themselves and their families. 

Optimized Site Structure

Moon Law Office's website has over 200 pages. The new Moon Law Office website was created with an optimized site structure. This optimized site structure provides both an intuitive user experience, as well as site architecture that's made to achieve relevant, valuable positioning on search engines.

ACS Web Design and SEO's experienced analysts and web designers worked together, transforming an otherwise overwhelming amount of information and options in to an easily digestible law firm website design that's made to be found on search engines.  

Do you have a large website that needs to be more user friendly? Our experts can help. 

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law firm website design optimized site structure from acs web design and seo

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Section

Potential clients or customers want to be confident that a certain provider can meet their needs before making a purchasing decision. Because of this, many potential clients or customers want answers to similar questions. 

Businesses of all kinds can save time and generate more qualified leads by including a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section on their website. With the complexity of immigration law, this is especially true for Moon Law Office's potential clients.  

ACS Web Design and SEO created an optimized Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section as part of Moon Law Office's new law firm website design. The FAQ section for Moon Law Office's new website includes multiple FAQ categories, making it easy for potential clients to get answers to common questions that relate to their legal concerns. 

law firm website design faq moon law by acs web design and seo

News and Blog Feature

Due to the rapidly changing nature of immigration laws, Moon Law Office's new website needed to allow site administrators to efficiently add content to an "Immigration News" section, as well as a "Resources" section. 

The new Moon Law Office website features a news section, allowing site administrators to securely and quickly add, edit or remove news posts. When immigration news breaks that could significantly impact Moon Law Office's clients, Moon Law Office can keep its clients informed of these changes with the "Immigration News" section of their website. 

Moon Law Office's news section also includes an intuitive news post listing image section, empowering site administrators to create attractive news posts with no coding knowledge necessary. 

Does your company's website need an easy to update news or blog section? Trust ACS Web Design and SEO to deliver the results you're looking for.

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law firm website design news moon law office by acs web design and seo

Responsive Website Design

Company websites that aren't made to look and work equally well on all devices are likely losing potential clients or customers. More often than not, people are going to your company's website on mobile devices, such as phones or tablets. This is evidenced by the fact that more than 60% of all web traffic now comes from mobile devices.

With most web traffic now coming from phones or tablets, imagine if someone goes to your company's website and the site isn't made to be mobile-friendly. Touch points are likely not sized appropriately, causing unintentional clicks that can confuse and frustrate potentials. Website text may also not be sized properly, providing a poor user experience. These usability issues on phones or tablets cause most potential clients or customers to get frustrated quickly, looking elsewhere and causing you to loose business. 

Moon Law Office's new website, like all ACS Web Design and SEO website projects, is made with a responsive website design. This means that the website is designed to look and work equally well on mobile devices as on desktops or laptops. This ensures that no matter what device someone gets to Moon Law Office's website on, the site looks and works just as great.

If your website isn't designed for all devices, you're likely losing potential customers or clients. To prevent lost opportunities with a custom, responsive website design...

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law firm website design responsive website design moon law by acs web design and seo

Secure, Simple Website Editing with a Content Management System (CMS)

With the changing nature of immigration laws, Moon Law Office's new website needed to allow site administrators to securely and easily add, edit or remove website content. Powered by the ACS Edge Content Management System (CMS), the new Moon Law Office website does just that.

Moon Law Office's new website features an intuitive Content Management System (CMS). Authorized site administrators can quickly and easily add or remove text, images and videos to Moon Law Office's website.

The new website CMS allows Moon Law Office to securely and easily make changes to website content with no coding knowledge necessary. To make website edits quick and easy for your website with The ACS Edge CMS...

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law firm website design website editing for moon law by acs web design and seo