Law Firm Web Design


Being the best doesn't always translate to success. If no one knows about your business, or if you're not providing the best possible first impression, potential customers or clients can become lost opportunities. 

This dilemma is similar to the situation that Meggesto, Crossett & Valerino (MCV) Law experienced in regards to their law firm's website. The firm has provided award winning legal representation for Workers' Compensation claims and other legal matters for over 30 years. However, their previous website made it difficult for potentials to find what they were looking for, and there was room for improvement in terms of legibility and overall aesthetics. MCV Law's previous website also lacked the appropriate off page and on page SEO modifications that would be necessary to be able to be found on search engines by people searching for their services.

MCV Law partnered with ACS Web Design & SEO for a redesign of their legal website design. The result is an all around improved law firm web design, with a professional and attractive look and feel and a site that's made to achieve valuable positions on search engines. 

An Easier Way to Find Sought After Services

MCV Law concentrates its practice areas across a variety of legal areas. In addition to its diverse capabilities in terms of legal representation, MCV Law also provides specialized calculators and form generators to streamline Workers' Compensation paperwork. With so much information and available services, MCV Law's previous website made it overwhelming for potential clients to find what they were looking for. 

law firm web design navigation from acs inc web design and seo

The new MCV Law legal website design resolves the navigation issues from the previous site. The site's navigation menu is simplified, making it easy for potential clients to find what they're looking for. MCV Law's new law firm web design successfully balances the appropriate amount of choice to find relevant information with a narrowly defined number of options to prevent confusion or frustration. 

An Attractive Law Firm Website Design

The new MCV Law law firm website design features improved readability and a more professional aesthetic. The new site's typography provides enhanced readability, providing an intuitive user experience. 

MCV Law's new law firm website design also includes general aesthetic improvements, including web design best practices that make the site more inviting and conducive to generating leads. 

law firm website design example of mcv law from acs inc

Law Firm Web Design Branding

MCV Law has been in business for over three decades. Throughout these years of business, the law firm has established an identifiable brand. When MCV Law chose to partner with ACS for their new law firm website design, it was critical that MCV Law's brand standards were exemplified throughout the website. 

ACS delivered a law firm web design solution that complied with MCV Law's branding, while enhancing this branding compared to the previous website's design. 

The new MCV Law website creates an impressive digital presence for the MCV Law brand. In addition to the brand and logo color scheme being seamlessly integrated throughout the website, the web copy, images and video serve as one cohesive expression of the MCV Law brand.


law firm web design branding for mcv law from acs inc

A Law Firm Web Design That Makes Your Company Look Good

MCV Law's new law firm website design features an improved company directory. MCV Law's new company directory includes photos, contact information and biographical information for MCV Law attorneys and staff.

This type of company directory is beneficial for improving a site's ability to generate leads. A company directory humanizes an organization by helping potentials put a face to a name. A company directory also makes it convenient for current and potential clients to get contact information for a specific staff member, allowing for client requests to be responded to promptly by the appropriate employee.

ACS is experienced in delivering website design solutions that include custom company directories. For an attractive and practical company directory for your website...

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law firm web design mcv law company directory from acs inc

Custom Video Integration

law firm web design video integration from acs inc

In cooperation with ACS, MCV Law partnered with a video production company to professionally produce an online video ad for the law firm. 

The law firm web design solution that ACS provided for MCV Law was made for integrating this video and future video marketing efforts. The site allows for an easy to edit content area where videos can be placed. 

The site's design is also optimized to generate views for this online video ad. The video ad is strategically placed above-the-fold on the site's home page. This makes MCV Law's law firm web design optimized for maximum ROI from their video production investment. 

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SEO Site Migration

law firm web design seo migration from acs inc web design and seo

MCV Law's previous website had 200+ web pages. Many of these 200+ web pages had achieved earned positioning on search engines for relevant keywords. 

With the launch of the new MCV Law website, ACS' team of SEO analysts and web developers worked closely together to maintain and build upon MCV Law's earned positions on search engines for related keywords. 

Through a collaborative approach with an attention to detail and a thorough understanding of SEO ranking factors, ACS successfully performed an SEO site migration for As a result, MCV Law maintained the positions on search engines that it achieved for relevant keywords, and achieved new, valuable search engine rankings.


Advanced SEO Site Structure

As part of MCV Law's new website design, ACS' team of SEO professionals created an advanced SEO site structure. This ensures that MCV Law's new website is built to achieve high, valuable positions on search engines. 

This advanced SEO site structure includes, but is not limited to:

  • Keyword focused URLs
  • Keyword focused page titles
  • Optimized meta data
  • Optimized ALT tags
  • and more

89% of people use search engines to research purchase decisions, according to an industry study. This means that in order to even be considered by potential clients or customers, you'll need to be seen when people are searching for the products or services you provide. To be among someone's choices when they're doing pre-purchase research, your website needs to be built to be found on search engines. 

To make your professional website optimized for achieving valuable positions on search engines...

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law firm web design seo site structure for mcv law from acs inc web design and seo

Custom Web Application Development

MCV Law's previous website had specialized calculators and online form generators to simplify and streamline Workers' Compensation claim paperwork. Additionally, this included Workers' Compensation payment calculators to help injured workers and potential clients estimate their Workers' Compensation benefits. Because of the complexity of New York State Workers' Compensation Laws, these calculators included specialized mathematical formulas.

ACS' experienced web application developers were able to replicate and improve upon these specialized calculators and online form generators for the new MCV Law website. The calculators were integrated to the new site with the proper calculations and formulas accounted for. Additionally, the interactive online form generators were also carried over from the old site to the new site, with enhanced tracking features added.

ACS has provided cutting edge web application development services for over 19 years. Our experience includes creating complex, custom financial calculators for banks and credit unions, timesheet reports and much more.

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law firm web design forms and calculators for mcv law from acs inc

Responsive Website Design 

People are increasingly preferring to go online through mobile devices. Over 60% of all web traffic already comes from mobile devices, such as smart phones and tablets. This number is predicted to continue to grow.

Reflecting this reality and change in consumer expectations, the new MCV Law website is made with a responsive website design. A responsive website design is a type of web design that is made to adjust properly for all screen sizes, including phones, tablets, laptops and desktops. 

All ACS Web Design & SEO websites are made using a responsive website design. If your website isn't made to look and work equally well on all devices, you're at a competitive disadvantage. 

For a website design that works and looks equally great on all devices...

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law firm web design and responsive website design for mcv law near acs inc

Custom Content Management System (CMS)

MCV Law's new law firm web design is powered by The ACS Edge CMS. The ACS Edge CMS is a Content Management System (CMS) that allows authorized site administrators to securely and conveniently add, edit or remove site content. The ACS Edge CMS is made to be easy to use for people of all skill levels. With The ACS Edge CMS, MCV Law's site administrators can securely and quickly make website updates. This includes the ability to add, edit or delete text, images or videos. There's also no need to know coding languages, simplifying the site editing process. 

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law firm web design content management system for mcv law by acs inc