Industrial Website Design

Mitten Fluidpower

Mitten Fluidpower partnered with ACS Web Design and SEO for an upgraded, custom industrial website design. As a Parker distributor, Mitten Fluidpower aimed for their industrial website design to prominently highlight their multiple, local Parker store locations. The Mitten Fluidpower website also needed product catalog integration, empowering potential customers to browse the entire catalog of products to find exactly what they're looking for. The upgraded industrial website design also needed high visibility messaging that could be added or removed on an as needed basis. 

ACS Web Design and SEO delivered a custom industrial website design that achieved our client's project goals. Discover details about the Mitten Fluidpower website design project below. 

Industrial Website Design for Multiple Locations and Storefronts

industrial website design image of local parker store locations syracuse ny get directions rochester ny get directions buffalo ny get directions

As a Parker parts distributor, Mitten Fluidpower needed their upgraded industrial website design to showcase their physical storefronts. The Mitten Fluidpower website prominently highlights each of their store locations. This makes it easy for potential customers to get driving directions to the store that's most convenient.

Potential customers also get easy access to everything they need to know about each store location, including location specific phone numbers, information on what products are available at each location and what each store looks like, so people can easily find the store they're looking for.

If your company has multiple offices or stores, ACS Web Design and SEO can create a custom website design that makes it convenient for people to visit to your physical locations. 

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Industrial Website Design with Product Catalog Integration

industrial website design image of products in product catalog air preparation frl and dryers cylinders and actuators filters collectors separators purifiers

As a Parker distributor, Mitten Fluidpower offers a vast array of products for their customers. To comprehensively showcase each of these products on the Mitten Fluidpower website, the ACS Web Design and SEO team successfully integrated Mitten Fluidpower's product catalogs. 

Mitten Fluidpower's customers can browse by product category, view individual product information and specifications, choose from variant specifications for products and easily get specific part numbers to request a quote for potential purchases from Mitten Fluidpower. 

Mitten Fluidpower's product catalog integration makes it convenient and easy for their customers to find exactly what they're looking for. 

If you have a large inventory, ACS Web Design and SEO can securely integrate your product catalog into your website. 

Alternatively, while some companies prefer customers request quote for products through their online catalog, ACS Web Design and SEO is also the industry leader in eCommerce website design, empowering your organization to offer a secure, intuitive online shopping experience. 

Make it easy for your customers to find what they're looking for online with your own custom product catalog integration.

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Industrial Website Design with a High Visibility Alert Message

industrial website design image of person on computerMitten Fluidpower's industrial website design needed the ability to highlight can't-miss messaging, such as important company updates and time sensitive notices. In addition to adding this high visibility messaging, the industrial website design also needed the ability to easily remove this high visibility messaging if no time sensitive or urgent notices existed at a specific time. 

ACS Web Design and SEO delivered a solution that achieved our client's objectives. Mitten Fluidpower's website includes an alert message that can be easily and quickly added, edited or removed without having to know computer coding or risking breaking the look and feel of the site. When active, the alert message is present toward the top of every page on the website, making this ideal for time sensitive and important notices. 

If you need to let your customers or clients know about something, whether it's an office closure, company restructuring, limited time offer or other important information, ACS Web Design and SEO can deliver the solution you're looking for.

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Industrial Website Design Built with an SEO Site Structure

Mitten Fluidpower designs and manufactures components and systems that are utilized in a variety of industries. Due to the highly specific needs of Mitten Fluidpower's customers, the Mitten Fluidpower website needed to be built in a way that made it easy for people to find and buy the products that Mitten Fluidpower specializes in. 

To make it easy for potential customers to find what they need, the Mitten Fluidpower industrial website design is built with a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) site structure throughout. The experienced SEO professionals at ACS leveraged their knowledge of our client's products and services combined with expertise on Google's over 200 search engine ranking factors. As a result, SEO best practices are implemented throughout the Mitten Fluidpower website. 

This SEO site structure empowers Mitten Fluidpower to achieve 1st page and 1st place positions on search engines when people are searching for what Mitten Fluidpower can provide. 

Over 80% of consumers use search engines to inform purchasing decisions. ACS Web Design and SEO can make you a top choice when people are looking to buy what you sell.

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industrial website design seo site structure image of white collar professional on laptop with charts and graphs

Industrial Website Design with an SEO Migration

With a company history that spans several decades, Mitten Fluidpower has achieved relevant, valuable positions on search engines throughout the years. To prevent a drop in online visibility and to build upon existing positioning, the ACS Web Design and SEO team successfully integrated an SEO migration for Mitten Fluidpower's industrial website design. 

An SEO migration is an essential part of a website launch. Without an SEO migration, the excitement of a new website can quickly turn to frustration and disappointment. Many other web design companies fail to account for a proper SEO migration; as a result, businesses that were previously easy to find online by potential and current customers can have their online lead generation dry up.

Without a proper SEO migration, a new website design could do more harm than good for your business. There is a better way. For decades, ACS has provided SEO migrations for our web design clients. 

When you partner with ACS for your website design project, your site not only maintains the relevant positions on search engines that you've earned, but is built for growth for online visibility and qualified leads.

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industrial website design image of line graph going up for improved positioning on search engine rankings from seo migration

Industrial Website Design Built with a Custom, Responsive Web Design

The vast majority of online activity now comes from mobile devices, such as phones, tablets, wearables and other devices. Understanding this reality and accommodating for consumer preferences, ACS created a custom, responsive web design for Mitten Fluidpower that looks and works just as great on mobile devices as it does on computers and laptops. 

With a custom, responsive web design, Mitten Fluidpower's website is made to be attractive and easy to use regardless if someone visits the site on their phone, computer or any other device. The site is designed to accommodate any screen size, ensuring the best possible first impression for every potential customer.

ACS is the industry leader in custom, responsive website design. When you partner with ACS for your website project, you can be confident that your site is tailored to achieve your goals, and is made to look and work flawlessly on all devices, including mobile devices like phones and tablets as well as computers, laptops and all other devices. 

If your website isn't designed to accommodate both mobile devices and computers, people who otherwise may have been interested in your business may have a frustrating first impression. Websites that aren't made with a responsive web design can be hard to read, may cause people to click on things they didn't intend to and other problems, resulting in an experience that pushes people to take their business elsewhere.

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industrial website design responsive web design image of mitten fluidpower website on multiple devices

Simplified and Secure Website Updates Powered by the ACS Edge Content Management System (CMS)

industrial website design image of person at desk on computer using content management system

For many organizations, updating their website can be a time intensive, frustrating experience. Rather than playing phone tag with developers and trying to make sense of complex website editors, ACS Web Design and SEO offers a more secure, simplified way. 

Mitten Fluidpower's custom, industrial website design is powered by The ACS Edge Content Management System (CMS). The ACS Edge CMS is designed to make website updates easy for authorized site administrators, regardless of their level of computer skills. With The ACS Edge CMS, you don't need to know computer coding languages to make website updates. The ACS Edge CMS is made with simplicity and security in mind -- if you can write an email, you can make updates to your website. 

Authorized site administrators can easily, add, edit or remove text, add or replace images and create entire web pages without having to know computer code. Whether you're looking to make a time sensitive announcement, add a whole new service or product line or just make a few text or image updates or anything in between, the ACS Edge CMS makes it quick, easy and secure.

To make your website updates easier...

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