High Impact Marketing Strategy

Medical Landing Page Design

The Project:

Health Direct is an institutional pharmacy that supplies needed pharmaceutical medications to institutions, such as correctional facilities, long-term care facilities, hospitals and others. Health Direct partnered with ACS Web Design & SEO to create trade show-friendly brochures and landing pages to complement the print materials. Health Direct wanted the copy for their brochures and landing pages to separate Health Direct from its competitors and highlight Health Direct's unique competitive advantages. Additionally, the landing pages' copy needed to be less dense with improved readability compared to Health Direct's existing landing page.

The Solution:

Following a thorough analysis phase, ACS Web Design & SEO identified the need for each brochure and landing page to include messaging for specific Health Direct target audiences. The result was three brochures and three landing pages. One brochure focused on the institutional pharmacy needs of correctional facilities, a second brochure concentrated on long-term care facilities' institutional pharmacy needs and the third brochure emphasized Health Direct's general branding. For each brochure, a landing page addressing the same audience was created. The brochures and landing pages emphasized what separates Health Direct from its competitors, including a focus on Health Direct's advanced logistical and technological infrastructure, decades of experience and value-added programs. Additionally, each landing page and brochure featured messaging that addressed concerns that are unique to each audience. The new landing pages also featured copy that was easier to understand than Health Direct's existing landing page.

Building A Brand

When Health Direct began its partnership with ACS Web Design & SEO, Health Direct had recently undergone a rebranding of their business, including the integration of a new logo. With Health Direct's new brand in its early stages, ACS played a significant role in forming the Health Direct brand in print materials as well as online.

As well as developing detailed branding guidelines, our team of digital marketers and analysts created messaging matrices for Health Direct's correctional facilities audience, long-term care facilities audience and general branding. After thorough analysis of each audiences, these messaging matrices were developed, which established a framework that informed the messaging used in each brochure and landing page for these target audiences. The messaging matrices defined core messaging that can also be used to inform the development of future marketing materials intended for Health Direct’s correctional facilities audience, long-term care facilities audience and general branding.When Health Direct began its partnership with ACS Web Design & SEO, Health Direct had recently undergone a rebranding of their business, including the integration of a new logo. With Health Direct's new brand in its early stages, ACS played a significant role in forming the Health Direct brand in print materials as well as online.

What does your brand say about your business? If you're not sure of the answer, or you're not content with the answer, our brand identity services may be able to make the difference.

Brand Guidelines for new institutional pharmacy service

Brochures & Print Advertising Services

In addition to helping businesses use the web to its full potential, ACS Web Design & SEO has extensive experience in designing effective print advertising materials, including brochures. For Health Direct, we created trade show-friendly brochures with audience-specific messaging. These brochures prominently display the website link for the brochure's partnering landing page, bridging offline and online marketing efforts to create a cohesive sales funnel.

To get your print advertisements and marketing materials to achieve their full potential, let’s talk.

Brochure example for sales materials for tradebooths - Medical Design example

Custom Landing Page Development

ACS created landing pages for correctional facilities, long-term care facilities and Health Direct's general branding. In addition to the landing pages featuring copy that spoke to the concerns of each audience, the landing page features a custom design that's optimized for lead generation. Through harmonious collaboration between our team's designers and online marketing experts, we were able to apply our collective knowledge of user behavior intelligence to create landing pages that makes contacting Health Direct an accessible, convenient and obvious option.

If your business needs a custom landing page, let’s talk.

Desktop view of responsive medical website landing page

Responsive Website Design

All three Health Direct landing pages were built with a responsive website design. This means that the landing pages look and work equally well on all devices, including smartphones, tablets, laptops and desktops.

Mobile-friendly websites are becoming increasingly more important for businesses. With Google confirming that more searches are done on mobile devices than desktops or laptops, combined with the fact that mobile-friendly sites receive higher positioning on Google when a search is done on a mobile device, a mobile-friendly website is essential for businesses in order to have effective, modern lead generation. The importance of achieving these high positions on Google is further evidenced by the fact that 89% of people use search engines for pre-purchase research, according to an industry study. This means that a business that doesn't have a mobile-friendly website is much less likely to be considered by potential customers compared to business websites that are mobile-friendly.

As well as search engines giving preference to mobile-friendly websites, people prefer mobile-friendly sites, too. A 2012 Google survey found that 61% of people were likely to leave a site if the site isn't mobile-friendly. The same Google survey also revealed that 67% of those surveyed said they were more likely to buy from a mobile-friendly website.

To stop losing potential customers or clients from your business' non-mobile-friendly website, let's talk.

responsive medical web design desktop, tablet, phone view