Small Business eCommerce Website Design

Genuine Air Filters

For years, Genuine Air Filters has been a relied upon supplier of replacement air conditioner filters. Prior to our eCommerce website design, Genuine Air Filters exclusively sold its products on eBay. In an effort to use the web to its full potential and increase sales, Genuine Air Filters recognized the need for an online store.

Genuine Air Filters partnered with ACS Web Design and SEO for a new eCommerce website design. The result is an online store that makes it easy for customers to find exactly what they need, and buy their replacement air conditioner through a secure online shopping cart system. 

Discover details of how we made it happen below. 

eCommerce Website Design with Secure Online Ordering

Essential to the eCommerce website design for Genuine Air Filters, the new website includes a secure online ordering system. In addition to protecting customer's sensitive personal and financial information with SSL integration, customers can order their replacement air conditioner filter with Genuine Air Filter's simple check out system. 

This secure check out system for Genuine Air Filter's eCommerce website design also features shipping and sales tax calculators. 

When you're looking to sell online, ACS Web Design and SEO can make it happen. For custom eCommerce website design...

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ecommerce website design online ordering for genuine air filters by acs web design and seo

eCommerce Website Design with Custom Product Filters

Considering that Genuine Air Filters specializes in replacement air conditioner filters, we created the eCommerce website design with an understanding of potential customers' needs and expectations. Specifically, potential customers looking for replacement air conditioner filters are looking for the specific air conditioner filter that matches the make and model of the air conditioner they own. 

To make it easy for customers to find exactly what they need, Genuine Air Filters' eCommerce website design features custom product filters. These product filters make it easy for customers to only browse the products that are the right fit for their specific needs.

Customers can filter products by brand name and model. Customers can also sort products to make it easy to find what meets their needs, including sorting products in alphabetical order, showing products from lowest price to highest price and more.

Custom product filters are an essential element of a successful eCommerce website design. Product filters make it quick and easy for potential customers to find exactly what they're looking for, streamlining the ordering process.  

Make your business the go-to when people want to buy the products that you sell. Get a custom eCommerce website design with easy to use product filters.

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ecommerce website design product filters for genuine air filters by acs web design and seo

Making It Easy for Customers to Find Exactly What They Need with Product Categories and Product Detail Pages

Different types of air conditioner filters have different products, brands and models available; this is similar to how department stores or Amazon have one section for electronics and a different section for kitchen appliances. To make it easy to find the right type of air conditioner filters, the Genuine Air Filters eCommerce website design has separate product category pages. 

In addition to product category pages, potential customers can learn more about a specific product from product detail pages. These product detail pages can help customers confirm if a specific product is the right match for them. Genuine Air Filters' product detail pages include product descriptions, product specifications, product pricing and can't-miss prompts to buy the specific product.  

The information architecture and usability specialists at ACS Web Design and SEO can create product categories and product detail pages for your eCommerce website design, making it easy for your customers to find what they're looking for. 

Let's Talk About Your Online Store

ecommerce website design product categories and product detail pages for genuine air filters from acs web design and seo

SEO Site Structure

The ACS team of SEO analysts, SEO copywriters and information architecture specialists leveraged their knowledge of our client's business combined with professional keyword research to implement a site structure for Genuine Air Filters that is made to achieve high, valuable positions on search engines when people are searching for what our client sells. 

The Genuine Air Filters eCommerce website design is structured with a keyword focus throughout. This SEO site structure empowers Genuine Air Filters to be at the top of search results when people are looking to buy what Genuine Air Filters is selling. 

Our SEO specialists have the experience and record of results to get your website at the top of search engines when people are searching for the products or services you offer.

To discover how our SEO professionals can empower your business to achieve lead generation growth or sales growth...

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ecommerce website design seo site structure for genuine air filters from acs web design and seo

Responsive Website Design

82% of people in the US who use the internet also shop online from their mobile device, such as their phone or tablet. More and more, people are preferring to not only buy online, but they're increasingly making these online purchases from their phones, tablets and smart watches.

If your online store isn't made with a responsive website design, you may be driving otherwise interested customers to buy from one of your competitors. 67% of people who go online from their mobile device (such as their phone) say that they're more likely to buy a product from a mobile-friendly site. 

The Genuine Air Filters eCommerce website design, like every website design made by ACS Web Design and SEO, is built with a custom, responsive website design. This means that the Genuine Air Filters site is made to look and work equally well on all devices, including desktops and laptop computers as well as mobile devices (such as phones and tablets). 

If your website isn't made with a responsive website design, your website could be causing potential customers to take their business elsewhere. For a custom, responsive website design...

Contact ACS Web Design and SEO

ecommerce website design responsive website design genuine air filters

eCommerce Website Design with Secure, Simple and Quick Means to Make Website Updates

The eCommerce website design that we created for Genuine Air Filters is powered by a Content Management System (CMS) that makes it easy for authorized site administrators to make website updates.

Site administrators can quickly and easily add, edit or remove product pages all without having to know computer code languages (like HTML or CSS). This makes updating the website efficient and easy as inventory fluctuates and Genuine Air Filters grows.

Upgrade your website design and simplify website editing all in one project. 

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ecommerce website design responsive website design genuine air filters cms