eCommerce Catalog Website Design

SRS Systems

SRS Systems partnered with ACS Web Design and SEO to modernize their eCommerce catalog. These modernization efforts also aimed to achieve online lead generation growth. 

ACS Web Design and SEO delivered a custom eCommerce catalog website design that fulfilled SRS Systems' project goals. 

eCommerce Catalog Website Design with Intuitive Product Categories

SRS Systems sells financial products and software, such as currency counters, cash recyclers and many other types of financial products. With such a diverse range of financial products, different potential customers have very different needs. 

To make it easy for potentials to find exactly what they need, the SRS Systems eCommerce catalog website includes product categories to browse from. These product categories are displayed both as a sidebar list of product types, as well as a visual representation of these product types. 

These product categories were structured in a way that reflects both SRS Systems' inventory as well as how people search for these products online.

ACS Web Design and SEO created product categories for SRS Systems that simplifies and streamlines the purchasing process.

For a custom eCommerce catalog website design with product categories that make it easy for people to find what they're looking for...

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ecommerce catalog website design with product categories

eCommerce Catalog Website Design with Product Detail Pages

ecommerce catalog website design with product detail pages

The SRS Systems upgraded eCommerce catalog website design includes product detail pages. These product detail pages provide the specs and information that potential customers need to make an informed purchasing decision.

SRS Systems' product detail pages are also optimized for lead generation growth. The ACS team of web designers and usability experts leveraged their knowledge of web design best practices and sales funnels to strategically place highly visible Call-to-Action (CTA) prompts. 

For product detail pages that are optimized for generating leads and sales...

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eCommerce Catalog Website Design with an SEO Site Structure

The ACS team of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) specialists, web designers and web developers understand that even if a website is attractive and effective at funneling people to purchasing decisions, an SEO site structure is necessary.

If people can't find your website when they're looking to buy what you sell, then how can your website help your business grow? This is why an SEO site structure is so important.

Through extensive research, competitor analysis and years of SEO experience, the ACS team of SEO specialists integrated an SEO site structure throughout the upgraded SRS Systems website. This SEO site structure empowers SRS Systems to be among potential customers' top choices when they're looking to buy what SRS Systems sells. 

Over 90% of all clicks on search engine results go to 1st page results. Additionally, 89% of consumers use search engines to inform their purchasing decisions. The numbers make it clear: if your website doesn't include an SEO site structure, people are likely finding your competitors, and you're losing opportunities to acquire new business. 

ecommerce catalog website design with seo site structure from acs web design and seo

eCommerce Catalog Website Design with SEO Migration

Prior to partnering with ACS for an upgraded eCommerce catalog website design, the SRS Systems website had a dated look and feel. While the website's age was apparent, this also meant that the SRS Systems website had years of earned positioning on search engines for relevant keywords. 

The ACS Web Design and SEO team successfully completed an SEO migration as part of the SRS Systems website redesign. 

The importance of an SEO migration cannot be overstated. Too often, businesses launch an attractive website redesign and are surprised when they see a significant drop in business. Failing to account for an SEO migration is often the cause of this business decline. 

While other web design companies can make a website that may look good, ACS Web Design and SEO is uniquely qualified to create a website redesign that's both visually attractive and made for business growth. SEO migrations are a standard part of the website redesign process with ACS. That means a website redesign with ACS is made to both look great and empower your business to grow. 

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ecommerce catalog website design with seo migration

eCommerce Catalog with a Custom, Responsive Website Design

Over 60% of all online activity now comes from mobile devices, such as phones or tablets. If your website isn't made to look and function equally well on all devices, you're at a competitive disadvantage. 

Websites that aren't made with a responsive website design have common problems that can make the difference between new leads or lost opportunities. Text can be hard to read. People often click on parts of a website that they didn't intend to. All of these problems lead to a confusing and frustrating experience. As a result, otherwise interested potentials are quick to take their business elsewhere -- to a company whose website is attractive and easy to use regardless of which device the site is accessed from. 

The upgraded SRS Systems website includes a custom, responsive website design. This means that the site looks and works equally well on all devices, including both mobile devices like phones and tablets as well as desktops and laptops. 

If your website isn't made with a responsive website design, your website is costing you opportunities for new business. 

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ecommerce catalog website design responsive web design

ACS Makes Inventory Updates and Website Edits Fast and Easy 

The SRS Systems eCommerce catalog website design is powered by a content management system (CMS). This content management system (CMS) makes it simple and efficient to update inventory, including adding, editing or removing products. 

With ACS Web Design and SEO, you don't need to play phone tag with developers or know computer coding languages to make website edits. Authorized site administrators can securely and efficiently add, edit or remove website text or images.

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ecommerce catalog website design with content management system