Attorney Website Design


CCBLaw had previously worked with ACS Web Design & SEO for their legal website design. When CCBLaw decided that they wanted a different look and feel for their website, they trusted ACS to deliver the results they were looking for with a new attorney website design.

The new CCBLaw website aimed to maintain the minimalist aesthetic of the previous website, but CCBLaw wanted their new website to have significantly more images as a central design element. As a result, the new CCBLaw website features a clean, minimalist design with high quality typography. 

ACS delivered a satisfactory solution for the new CCBLaw attorney website design. Discover details about how we made it happen below. 

Bringing a Brand to Life Online

attorney website design logo and branding for ccb law by acs incCCBLaw had dedicated internal brand managers who worked closely with ACS to bring the CCBLaw brand to life on the web. Because of this, CCBLaw's new attorney website design meets ACS's professional design standards while delivering an online representation of the firm's branding.

A Professional Company Directory

The new CCBLaw features a complete company directory. This company directory includes professional photography for each attorney. In addition to an attractive design with professional attorney photos, the company directory allows people to view full attorney profiles. This allows current and potential clients to find a CCBLaw attorney that's the best match for their unique legal needs.

ACS created CCBLaw's attorney website design with an attractive company directory, humanizing the business and helping potential clients put a face to a name. Authorized CCBLaw site administrators can easily add, edit or remove attorney profiles, making it easy for the website to reflect company changes and growth. 

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attorney website design company directory for ccb law from acs inc

Attorney Website Design with a Custom Content Management System (CMS)

Without a custom Content Management System (CMS), website updates can be inefficient and frustrating. With website builders or other web design companies, a simple change in wording or imagery can become a time intensive test of patience. There is a better way. 

CCBLaw is powered by The ACS Edge CMS. The ACS Edge CMS allows authorized site administrators to securely and easily make website updates. Authorized CCB Law staff can add, edit or remove text, images or videos throughout the site.

The ACS Edge CMS is also made to be user-friendly for people of all computer skill levels. The ACS Edge CMS is made to prevent accidentally breaking a site's design, and edits can be made without having to know computer code. 

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attorney website design cms by acs inc

Responsive Website Design for Law Firms

In today's always connected world, people are increasingly preferring to go online through mobile devices, such as smart phones, tablets, smart watches and more. 

In fact, more than 60% of all traffic online today comes from mobile devices. This means that if your website isn't made to look and work equally well on all devices, you're at a competitive disadvantage. With a company website that isn't made to look and work on all devices, any potential customer that comes to your website from a mobile device is likely to have a frustrating first impression. That frustration often leads to lost leads, and, in turn, more leads to your competition.

The new CCBLaw attorney website design, as with all ACS projects, is made with a responsive web design. This means that the site is designed to look and work equally well on all devices, such as phones, tablets, smart watches, desktops and laptops.  

To stop losing leads and to provide the best possible first impression for potential clients or customers with a responsive website design...

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attorney website design for all devices from ccb law by acs inc