Responsive Website Design

Disaster Clean Up & Property Restoration

Cohesive website branding is essential for brand recognition, and it can be an important way to prevent customer confusion. 

Disaster Clean Up and Property Restoration had the unique challenge of having two distinct brand names, each with their respective service regions, but with a need to make it clear that the two companies were related.

Both the Disaster Clean Up and Property Restoration websites were in need of a modern website redesign, as the previous versions of the sites weren't made to look and work properly on all devices. 

ACS Web Design & SEO delivered a website branding solution that fulfilled our client's needs. Now, Disaster Clean Up and Property Restoration each have their own distinct websites, while sharing cohesive branding. 

Detailed Service Pages

Both the Disaster Clean Up website and the Property Restoration website have detailed individual service pages. The previous websites for both brands provided potential clients with only a list of provided services. The new websites feature descriptive service pages, empowering potential clients to find the services that are right for their needs. 

The creation of these detailed service pages were also part of our efforts to improve the sites' abilities to achieve valuable positions on search engines for relevant search terms. These detailed service pages provide an improved site structure and SEO content that enhances the websites' lead generation capabilities.

website branding service page from acs web design and seo

Cohesive Website Branding

Disaster Clean Up and Property Restoration are owned by the same people, but with distinct brand names to correspond with their distinct service regions. Property Restoration offers its services within the Syracuse, NY and Central New York region; Disaster Clean Up offers its services in the Binghamton, NY and Southern Tier region. 

Because of this, both websites needed to be distinct, while still maintaining cohesive website branding between the two. 

ACS Web Design & SEO delivered a custom website design for Property Restoration, as well as a custom website design for Disaster Clean Up. Both websites are distinguishable from one another, while still carrying consistent branding throughout the two websites.

website branding disaster clean up and property restoration from acs web design and seo

Responsive Website Design

The previous versions of the Disaster Clean Up and Property Restoration websites featured dated designs that weren't made to look and work properly on mobile devices. 

With 60% of all web traffic now coming from mobile devices, lacking a mobile-friendly website design puts an organization at a competitive disadvantage. If your website isn't made to look and feel right on phones or tablets, a significant portion of your potential audience will likely have a confusing or frustrating experience on your website. That confusion or frustration more often than not translates to lost leads and missed opportunities. 

The new Disaster Clean Up and Property Restoration websites were made with a responsive website design. This means that these websites are designed to look and work equally well on all devices, including phones, tablets, laptops and desktop computers. 


responsive website design alternate view of disaster clean up from acs web design and seo

Custom Content Management System 

Simple updates to your website, like changing some text or swapping out a picture, shouldn't be hard. Unfortunately, for many organizations, what would seem like a quick change can turn in to a time intensive, confusing process or playing phone tag with developers. 

There is a better way.

Both the Disaster Clean Up and Property Restoration websites are powered by The ACS Edge Content Management System (CMS). This user-friendly CMS is made to simplify site updates. Both Disaster Clean Up and Property Restoration site administrators can securely and efficiently make changes to their respective websites. 

To take control of your website's content...

Let's Talk About Your New Website

content management system cms for disaster clean up and property restoration by acs web design and seo