Legal Web Design


The Project:

CCB Law is a newly formed law firm established by experienced attorneys with specialties in various practice areas, including business law, healthcare law and various other commercial-centric practice areas. CCB Law’s site needed a minimalist design that reflected their established logo and branding. In addition to a professional, simple aesthetic, the site needed custom profile pages and corresponding downloadable vCards for each of the firm’s attorneys.

The Solution:

First, ACS Web Design & SEO developed CCB Law’s landing page to quickly provide the firm with an online presence that was consistent with CCB Law’s brand. Our team was able to utilize insights acquired from data tracking on the landing page to inform development of the full CCB Law website. The final website’s intuitive navigation and minimalist look provides an accurate, professional digital representation of the CCB Law brand. ACS also provided custom attorney profile pages that include downloadable vCards as well as administrator abilities to easily update attorney profiles with a secure, user-friendly content management system (CMS).

Responsive Website Design

On April 21, 2015, Google changed how its search engine works on smartphones. Now, when someone searches on a mobile device, mobile-friendly websites will show up higher in search results than sites that aren’t made for mobile. Considering that 60% of all web traffic comes from mobile devices now, coupled with the fact that 29% of the billions of searches done on Google now come from mobile devices, any business whose site isn’t made to work on mobile devices is losing opportunities.

CCB Law’s site is made with a responsive web design, ensuring the site looks and functions flawlessly on any device. All ACS Web Design & SEO sites are made using this technology, providing our clients with a site that empowers using the web to its full potential. Let's talk about how a responsive website design can help your business.

legal industry portfolio responsive website design project for CCB Law

Custom Content Management System (CMS)

CCB Law’s staff needed to be able to easily edit their site’s content. We satisfied this need by making site edits simple with a custom content management system (CMS). ACS custom CMS’s allow site editing with no required knowledge of programming languages. CCB Law’s CMS, like all of our custom CMS’s, make it intuitive to edit site text and pictures. Cohen Compagni Beckman Appler & Knoll, PLLC's website features attorney profiles that are easily edited and updated by site adminstrators and a company news feature that allows for speedy creation and publishing of relevant information.

To get control over your site’s content with a custom CMS, contact us.

legal industry portfolio custom content management system project for ccb law