Law Office Web Design

Karp Law Office

75% of consumers judge a company's credibility based on the company's website design, according to an industry study. Recognizing this reality, Karp Law Office partnered with ACS Web Design and SEO to ensure that their online presence was reflective of their highly recommended legal representation. 

Karp Law Office is a family owned and operated law firm. As family court lawyers, Karp Law Office clients have very sensitive, personal legal concerns. Because of this, it was important that the Karp Law Office website establish trust by humanizing their attorneys. To put a face to a name, the upgraded Karp Law Office website includes a staff directory with individual profiles for attorneys. 

The upgraded Karp Law Office web design also aimed for lead generation growth. Specifically, the site is structured in a way that empowered our client to be among the first choices when people search for divorce lawyers, family court lawyers and attorneys for the other practice areas that Karp Law Office is experienced in.

Beyond a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) structure, Karp Law Office partnered with ACS legal SEO copywriters to create content that informs, converts and achieves valuable positions on search engines. 

The Karp Law Office website, like all web design projects by ACS Web Design and SEO, is also made with a responsive website design to ensure the website looks and works equally well on all devices, such as phones and tablets as well as computers and laptops.

Discover details about the Karp Law Office web design upgrade below.

Law Office Web Design with Legal SEO Copywriting

Today, when people have a problem, legal or otherwise, they turn to Google for help. With this in mind, our legal SEO copywriters aimed to make Karp Law Office among the first choices when people are looking for a lawyer for cases that are within our client's practice areas and service region.

The experienced legal SEO copywriters at ACS Web Design and SEO developed keyword focused content for each of Karp Law Office's practice areas. 

The legal SEO copywriters at ACS are experienced in creating content for a wide variety of practice areas. In addition to having the experience to create informed, effective legal copy, our copywriters comply with attorney advertising regulations. Our legal copywriters combine their years of experience in copywriting for the legal industry and knowledge of Google's search engine ranking factors to get our clients more cases. 

law office web design with legal seo copywriting image of glasses on top of a stack of papers

Law Office Web Design with Staff Directory

law office web design image of staff directory images of stephen karp jonathan karp and cindy granger of karp law office

Putting a face to a name goes a long way in building trust -- especially when dealing with such personal legal issues like a divorce or family court cases. Knowing this, Karp Law Office needed a staff directory for their upgraded website.

ACS Web Design and SEO created a custom staff directory for Karp Law Office. This staff directory includes individual attorney profiles, complete with a picture, the attorney's educational background and professional associations. 

Almost any organization can benefit from a staff directory. To add a staff directory to your website...

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Law Office Web Design with an SEO Site Structure

In order to be among the first choices when people are searching for your services or products, your website must be built with a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) site structure. The architecture of the website, both behind the scenes as well as what humans see, must have an appropriate keyword focus. 

The team of SEO analysts, SEO copywriters and developers at ACS Web Design and SEO have the knowledge and experience to integrate an SEO site structure throughout a law office web design. This empowers our clients to get found by potentials and get more qualified leads.

Let's talk about how your website could benefit from an SEO site structure.

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law office web design image of white collar professional looking over graphs

Law Office Web Design with SEO Migration

Prior to partnering with ACS Web Design and SEO, Karp Law Office had an existing website. Too often, when companies work with other web designers for a new web design for an existing site, the excitement of launching a new site quickly turns to disappointment. That's because so many other web design firms don't account for an SEO migration.

Over the years, site's achieve positioning on search engines for relevant keywords. When a new web design for the site launches, failing to account for an SEO migration can result in earned positioning on search engines being lost. This loss in search engine positioning can result in significant declines in new customers or clients, as people who were otherwise discovering your business through search engines are now seeing competitor websites instead of yours. 

Every ACS web design project for clients with existing sites come with a proper SEO migration. This SEO migration not only maintains earned positioning on search engines, but it allows sites to improve upon search engine positioning. 

Do you have an existing site that needs improvements? Upgrade your web design with ACS to build on what you have and avoid more missed opportunities.

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law office web design with seo migration image of line chart going up to suggest improvement in google rankings

Law Office Web Design with a Custom, Responsive Website Design

Over 60% of all online activity now comes from mobile devices, such as phones and tablets. Visiting a website that isn't made to accommodate mobile devices provides a frustrating experience for potential clients or customers, creating a poor first impression that's often enough for people to take their business elsewhere. When visiting a website on a phone or tablet that isn't made to accommodate mobile devices, text may be hard to read and visitors may click on parts of the website they didn't intend to. Businesses that aren't accommodating consumer preferences to go online from mobile devices are at a competitive disadvantage. 

The Karp Law Office web design is made with a custom, responsive website design. This means that the site is made to look and function equally well on all devices, including mobile devices like phones and tablets as well as laptops and desktops. This is crucial for a positive first impression and an easy, intuitive experience for potential clients or customers. 

If your website isn't made with a responsive web design, you could be losing more opportunities than you know. For a custom, responsive web design...

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law office web design image of karp law office responsive website design view full width

A Law Office Web Design That Makes Website Updates Secure & Simple

Too often, a business wants to make what should be a simple update to their website, but they can't seem to figure out how. Confusing website editors can be overwhelming and risk breaking the layout of a site. 

There is a better way.

The Karp Law Office web design is powered by the ACS Edge Content Management System (CMS). The ACS Edge CMS is made with security and simplicity in mind. Authorized site administrators can easily add, edit or remove text, images or entire web pages -- all without having to know anything about computer coding languages. With the ACS Edge CMS, if you can write an email, you can update your website. The ACS Edge CMS is made to be easy to use for authorized users regardless of computer skill level.

Upgrade your website and make your website update process simple and secure.

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law office web design image of person on computer using content management system