Hospital Website Design

Rome Health Hospital

Rome Health Hospital partnered with ACS Web Design and SEO for a custom hospital website design. With a wide range of medical specialists and several convenient medical practice offices, Rome Health Hospital needed a custom hospital website design that made it intuitive for patients to find the care they need. 

ACS leveraged their medical website design expertise to integrate a secure, compliant patient portal that's designed to achieve patient portal usage regulations. 

The ACS Web Design and SEO team also tailored the Rome Health Hospital website design to achieve valuable positioning on search engines when potential patients search for growing medical specialties. 

Read more below about the custom hospital website design ACS created for Rome Health Hospital.

ACS Web Design and SEO can empower your organization to achieve your unique goals with a custom medical website design. 

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Hospital Website Design with a Custom Staff Directory

hospital website design image of staff directory by department addiction medicine view all bariatric surgery view all cardiology view all emergency medicine view all

Rome Health Hospital provides care from a wide range of medical specialists. To make it easy for patients to find the care they need and to put a face to a name, ACS Web Design and SEO created a custom staff directory with dedicated sections for each department and medical specialty. 

The Rome Health Hospital staff directory includes nurses, doctors and surgeons.

In addition to the patient friendly staff directory for Rome Health Hospital's medical providers, the hospital website design features distinct staff directories for the leadership team, board of trustees and executive team. This makes it quick and easy for people to find contact information. 

A staff directory can humanize your organization, building trust and making it quick and easy for people to get in contact with the right people. ACS Web Design and SEO can create a custom website design with a staff directory that reflects the unique structure of your organization. 

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Hospital Website Design with Secure, Compliant Patient Portal Integration

hospital website design image of man on phone and laptop

Healthcare organizations that do not have a patient portal can be penalized in the form of reduced Medicare/Medicaid reimbursements. Federal law also requires healthcare organizations to have at least 5% of their patients using the patient portal. 

ACS Web Design and SEO delivered a custom, compliant solution for Rome Health Hospital. The ACS team of web designers, web developers and usability experts integrated a patient portal on the Rome Health Hospital website that's made to achieve regulatory requirements. Rome Health Hospital's patient portal is prominently featured and easy to find, making it designed to achieve patient usage rate requirements. 

For years, ACS Web Design and SEO has been the trusted partner for custom medical website design with secure, regulation compliant patient portal integration.

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Hospital Website Design with a Medical Practice Location Directory

hospital website design image of medical facility

Rome Health Hospital provides care for a range of medical specialties. This also includes multiple locations for patient convenience.

ACS created a custom hospital website design that makes it easy for patients to find nearby medical practice offices. This includes specialties and care providers for each location, as well as contact information and a convenient way to access driving directions for specific locations.

If your organization has multiple offices and locations, ACS can create a custom website design that makes it easy for people to find the location specific information they need and how to get there.

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Custom Hospital Website Design Featuring an Intuitive Site Search

hospital website design image of person at computer

Rome Health Hospital offers a wide range of care that includes various medical specialties and services, in addition to multiple locations and essential patient information. To make it easy for patients to find the information they're looking for, the Rome Health Hospital website prominently highlights a site search feature. 

Patients and website visitors can use Rome Health Hospital's custom site search, making it quick and convenient to find information and patient resources that are exclusive to Rome Health Hospital. Site search results only include pages within the Rome Health Hospital website, providing the most relevant information. 

If your organization has a lot to offer, a site search feature can make an otherwise overwhelming first impression welcoming, helpful and convenient.

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Hospital Website Design Featuring a Custom, User Friendly Mega Menu Navigation

hospital website design image of man on phone clicking on website link

Rome Health Hospital's custom hospital website design offers multiple ways for people to find what they're looking for, making for a helpful, welcoming first impression.

The Rome Health Hospital website design features a mega menu navigation, including categories that make it intuitive and quick to find sought after information. Each navigation category includes distinct pages within. Whether a current or potential patient is looking for a specific medical service, a specific location or more information about Rome Health Hospital, it's all just a few clicks away. 

If your organization has a lot to offer but needs to present your options in a way that doesn't make potentials feel overwhelmed or confused, ACS Web Design and SEO can create a custom website design with mega menu navigation that's tailored to your goals.

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Hospital Website Design with a Secure Patient Testimonial Form

hospital website design image of patient in hospital with nurse

Any organization can claim they're the best at what they do, but establishing credibility and trust to the point that potentials choose one organization over another can be challenging. The Rome Health Hospital website design features a secure, HIPAA compliant form for patients to share their experience. This offers a valuable and efficient way for Rome Health Hospital to gather shareable, HIPAA compliant testimonials from satisfied patients. 

Whether your organization is looking to get more feedback, more shareable positive experiences or you want your website to prominently highlight existing testimonials to convert interested individuals to pleased patrons, ACS Web Design and SEO can deliver a custom solution that's tailored to achieve your goals.

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Hospital Website Design with an SEO Migration

hospital website design image of two women at computer with one pointing to screen

A Search Engine Optimization (SEO) migration is essential when launching an upgraded website design. Without an SEO migration, the excitement of a new website can quickly fade to disappointment and diminishing returns. 

An SEO migration is necessary to prevent an organization's website from losing earned positions on search engines for relevant keywords. Failing to implement an SEO migration can result in decreased online visibility, making it even harder for people to find an organization online.

ACS Web Design and SEO completed a comprehensive SEO migration for the upgraded Rome Health Hospital website design. As a result, our client is positioned to both maintain and improv upon its positioning on search engines for relevant keywords, effectively increasing online visibility. 

If you're looking to upgrade your website design, an SEO migration is essential. 

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Hospital Website Design with an SEO Site Structure

hospital website design image of cartoon white collar professional at desk with charts and graphs

Rome Health Hospital offers a wide range of medical specialties. To make it easy for potential patients to find the care they need, Rome Health Hospital's website is structured throughout with Search Engine Optimization (SEO) best practices. 

The ACS team of SEO analysts, SEO copywriters and usability experts leveraged their knowledge of our client's goals to build an SEO site structure throughout the upgraded Rome Health Hospital website design.

An SEO site structure is a must-have so potential patients, customers or clients can find your organization when they're searching for the services or products you offer. To discover how an SEO site structure can help your organization achieve your goals...

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Hospital Website Design with a Custom, Responsive Website Design

hospital website design image responsive website design image of rome health hospital on computers and mobile devices

Nowadays, if people are visiting a website, they're more often than not on a mobile device, like a phone or tablet. Organizations need to accommodate for modern preferences. Without a website that works and looks flawless on phones and tablets as well as desktops and laptops, organizations can turn otherwise interested people to take their business elsewhere. Websites that aren't designed for phones and tablets can be frustrating and confusing to use -- people often click on things they didn't intend to, a website can be hard to read and other problems that result in a less than best first impression.

The Rome Health Hospital website design is made using a custom, responsive website design. This means that the site is made to look and work equally well on all devices -- phones, tablets, wearables, desktops, laptops and more. As a result, current and potential patients can easily find what they're looking for regardless if they're on the site on their phone, computer or any other device.

If your website isn't made with a responsive website design, people who would otherwise be interested in your organization may look elsewhere. It doesn't take long for people to get confused, frustrated and go somewhere else online. A custom, responsive website design by ACS Web Design and SEO ensures your organization provides the best possible first impression.

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A Hospital Website Design with Simple, Secure Website Updates

hospital website design image of person at desk using content management system to make website updates

With exciting new developments, expanding medical specialties and a growing team, the Rome Health Hospital website needed to be easy and secure for authorized site administrators to make website updates.

The Rome Health Hospital website design is powered by the ACS Edge Content Management System (CMS). The ACS Edge CMS is made to simplify and streamline website updates regardless of computer skill levels. If you can write an email, you'll have no problem making changes for your website with the ACS Edge CMS.

The ACS Edge CMS is also made for authorized site administrators to easily make website changes without needing to know computer coding languages.

Authorized site administrators for Rome Health Hospital can add or remove text, images, and entire web pages without having to know code.

With the ACS Edge CMS, gone are the days of playing phone tag with developers and waiting days or weeks just to make small website changes. Even major updates like page additions, employee profile additions or removals, and news/blog posts are easy.

If you need an easier, more efficient and more secure way to make changes to your website, ACS can make it happen.

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