Healthcare Website Design


CNY AIM is a population health management organization and integrated health network that is based on collaboration between healthcare providers. To assist in this collaboration between providers, CNY AIM partnered with ACS Web Design and SEO for a healthcare website design. 

The CNY AIM healthcare website design project required custom, secure website functionality, including dedicated sections of the website that would only be accessible for logged in providers. This members-only section of the website also needed to include reports and information that were personalized for individual providers, while also keeping this personalized provider information only accessible for the given provider. 

The CNY AIM healthcare website design also needed to adhere to brand standards. Additionally, the CNY AIM website required an FAQ section, a company directory and a provider search to find local medical specialists. 

ACS Web Design and SEO delivered a custom, secure healthcare website design for CNY AIM that fulfills project objectives, and provides an attractive, professional online presence.

A Healthcare Website Design That Brings a Brand to Life Online

CNY AIM is an affiliate of another health care organization. Because of this, the CNY AIM healthcare website design needed cohesive branding that both made this connection clear, while also providing an online presence for CNY AIM that was unique to their own branding. 

The CNY AIM healthcare website design features cohesive branding that speaks to the organization's values and purpose.

healthcare website design branding for cny aim from acs web design and seo

Healthcare Website Design With a Secure Provider Login Portal

The CNY AIM healthcare website design is made with dedicated sections of the website that are only accessible for logged in providers. This provides CNY AIM's medical provider members to access important information, while preventing this information from being viewable by unauthorized individuals.

The CNY AIM website features a calendar of events and meetings that can only be accessed by members who are logged in. Important information for specific providers is both secure and easy to find for logged in providers, allowing for only authorized access of information that's important for individual medical providers. 

healthcare website design secure member portal for cny aim from acs web design and seo

A Healthcare Website Design That Reflects Needs of a Known Audience

As a population health management organization with a mission for collaboration between medical providers, CNY AIM's primary audience includes physicians and medical practices. A smaller portion of the CNY AIM audience includes patients who want to better understand how CNY AIM works. 

The CNY AIM healthcare website design reflects an understanding of the needs of these known audiences. The CNY AIM healthcare website design includes dedicated sections that are clearly for medical providers. The website also includes easy to find information about CNY AIM for patients. 

healthcare website design audience for cny aim from acs web design and seo

A Healthcare Website Design with a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Section

Nearly all professional websites can benefit from a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section. An FAQ section provides immediate answers for common questions. This makes websites more effective in converting potentials in to leads by answering questions that potentials may have that are significant to their decision. 

The CNY AIM healthcare website design includes segmented FAQs, making it easy for potentials to get answers to the questions that are most relevant for them. 

An FAQ section can improve efficiency by reducing time spent on answering the same questions repeatedly. FAQs can also help in terms of lead generation growth by helping potentials make an informed and confident decision. 

Let's talk about how we can help add an effective FAQ section to your website design.

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healthcare website design faq for cny aim from acs web design and seo

A Healthcare Website Design with a Company Directory

A company directory is beneficial for all types of professional websites. Company directories can help humanize an organization. 

The CNY AIM healthcare website design features a company directory that is segmented by staff, board members and specific committees. This makes it easy for potentials or professional partners to contact the appropriate individuals for their specific needs.

While some organizations opt to not include staff photos in a company directory, ACS Web Design and SEO is experienced with integrating staff photos in an attractive format. 

If your website design needs a company directory, we can help.

Let's Talk

A Healthcare Website Design That Makes It Easy to Find Local Medical Specialists

CNY AIM's healthcare website design project requirements included a custom search for finding local medical providers and specialists. This medical provider search allows physicians who are looking to collaborate with certain types of specialists in their area to find the professionals they're looking for. The provider search also allows patients to find a doctor. 

healthcare website design provider search for cny aim from acs web design and seo

A Healthcare Website Design with an Easy to Maintain News Section

Many organizations would like to maintain a company news or blog on their website. However, organizations are too often prevented from doing so due to difficult to use website editors that can make a company news section more effort than it seems to be worth. 

ACS Web Design and SEO provided a user-friendly solution that allows authorized CNY AIM site administrators to add, edit or remove company news posts in a dedicated News section of the website. The secure, intuitive process for adding News content to the CNY AIM website also automatically presents these News posts in an attractive listing format. 

Do you want a news or blog on your healthcare website design? ACS Web Design and SEO can make it happen, empowering your organization to easily and securely maintain a company news or blog section. 

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healthcare website design news for cny aim from acs web design and seo

A Healthcare Website Design with a Responsive Website Design

A responsive website design is essential for staying competitive today. A responsive website design is a type of way to design a website that allows the website to look and function equally well on all devices, including phones and tablets as well as desktops and laptops. Over 60% of all online traffic now comes from mobile devices, such as phones and tablets.

If your website isn't made to look and work properly on mobile devices, a large portion of your potential audience will likely have a bad first impression of your organization. Websites that aren't made with a responsive website design can be difficult to use on mobile devices, such as phones. For example, people may click on parts of a website that they didn't intend to, or the website may be difficult to read. This can make otherwise interested potentials confused and frustrated, causing these potentials to take their business elsewhere. 

If your website isn't made with a responsive website design, you're likely losing opportunities for online leads. 

The CNY AIM healthcare website design, like all ACS Web Design and SEO websites, was made with a responsive website design.

For a professional, custom responsive website design...

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healthcare website design responsive website design for cny aim from acs web design and seo

Simple and Secure Website Updates with The ACS Edge Content Management System (CMS)

Updating your website should be simple, secure and efficient. However, many businesses feel locked in to confusing and difficult to use website editors. There is a better way.

The CNY AIM website is powered by The ACS Edge Content Management System (CMS). The ACS Edge CMS allows CNY AIM's authorized site administrators to add, edit or remove text, photos or videos. With the ACS Edge CMS, website pages can be efficiently and securely edited, and new pages can be added. All of this is possible without needing any knowledge of computer coding languages. The ACS Edge CMS is also made to be easy to use regardless of computer skill level. 

To make the process for updating your website's content secure and efficient...

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healthcare website design cms for cny aim from acs web design and seo