Architecture Website Design

Beardsley Architects + Engineers

There's two critical components to a website design: look and feel. 

Look would be the aesthetics and public facing appearance of a website.

Feel would encompass both the public facing usability of the website, as well as the website's behind-the-scenes functionality.

Beardsley Architects + Engineers liked the look of their previous architecture website design, but the site's functionality limitations made website updates time consuming. 

Beardsley Architects + Engineers partnered with ACS Web Design & SEO for a new, responsive web design. Per Beardsley Architects + Engineers request, the new site mostly maintains the aesthetics of the previous website, while significantly streamlining site updates with the ACS Edge CMS.

Improved Project Portfolio Management

The nature of Beardsley Architects + Engineers' business means that prospective clients would have significant interest in seeing Beardsley's past projects. The new Beardsley Architects + Engineers architecture website design features an improved look and feel for their project portfolio.

Beardsley Architects + Engineers' architecture website design includes a category based project portfolio. Each category can be explored further, with details on individual projects within categories. 

In addition to an enhanced visual presentation, the new architecture website design for Beardsley Architects + Engineers empowers authorized site administrators to quickly and easily update their project portfolio. Site administrators can edit existing project portfolio entries, and add or remove project portfolio entries. 

architecture website design project portfolio for beardsley from acs web design and seo

Improved Company Directory


The new Beardsley Architects + Engineers website design features an improved company directory. The new architecture website design makes it easier and faster for site administrators to update Leadership team biographical information and photos. The new site streamlines the process of adding, editing or removing staff members from the website's company directory. 

A company directory is an effective way to put a face to a name and humanize your organization. Company directories can help to instill confidence in potential customers or clients, making them more likely to contact you to express interest in your offered products or services. 

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architecture website design company directory for beardsley from acs web design and seo

Custom Template Web Development

Beardsley Architects + Engineers is a full service design, architecture and engineering firm. To showcase the full scope of Beardsley Architects + Engineers capabilities, ACS created a custom template of a layered image that highlights different aspects of a building project. The custom template includes interactive features, allowing website visitors to click on different labels of a building project to learn more about Beardsley Architects + Engineers capabilities in a specific discipline.

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architecture website design custom web development from acs web design and seo

Responsive Website Design


Beardsley Architects + Engineers' new website was made with a responsive website design. This ensures that the website looks and functions equally well on all devices, including phones, tablets, laptops, desktop computers and more. 

Over 60% of all web traffic now comes from mobile devices. Google also provides preference to mobile-friendly websites for search results when people search from a mobile device. With over 70% of all Google searches now coming from mobile devices, if your organization's website isn't made to look and work equally well on all devices, you're at a competitive disadvantage. 

To convert lost leads and missed opportunities in to lead generation growth and sales increases by upgrading to a responsive website design...

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architecture website design responsive website design view of beardsley from acs web design and seo

Custom Content Management System (CMS)


The primary motivation for Beardsley Architects + Engineers' new architecture website design was to make website updates faster and easier. The new Beardsley Architects + Engineers website does just that. Powered by the ACS Edge CMS, the new website saves time and avoids frustration by making it significantly easier to update the project portfolio and company directory, as well as page text and website images across the site. 

Authorized site administrators can securely and conveniently add, edit or remove content from the Beardsley Architects + Engineers website. 

There is a better way to make website updates. With the ACS Edge CMS, you don't need to know code languages, and you don't need to play phone tag with developers to make simple site edits. The ACS Edge CMS is made to be easy to use for all levels of computer skill competency.

To make updating your website easier with a custom Content Management System (CMS)...

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architecture website design content management system from acs web design and seo